


Call for Responses for the State System of Support Coaching Program

RFP 2017-0500-3552
Call for Responses for the State System of Support Coaching Program

The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development is seeking responses from qualified and experienced Alaskan Educators for the State System of Support (“SSOS”) Coaching Program. EED is seeking up to five experienced Alaskan Educators who are interested in applying their education skills in a coaching setting to increase the capacity of low performing schools and districts to increase student achievement. Offerors must have knowledge of current research and practices in the six effective school domains of curriculum, assessment, instruction, supportive learning environment, professional development and leadership. Coaches work as independent contractors.

Contractors will be selected by a multiple step procurement process. Responses to the initial call will be scored and ranked comparatively. Top scoring responses will move on to the interview portion, with up to five offerors being selected to act as coaches. Offerors selected for award will be required to submit further documentation to comply with Alaska’s Procurement Code and administrative requirements for contracts.

To submit a response, submit the following documents no later than 4:00 PM on Monday, October 17, 2016.

  1. A cover letter that indicates clear understanding of SSOS coach program and expectations as described below. Cover letters must include the complete name and address of the offeror, including the name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number of the person the state should contact regarding the response.
  2. A resume no longer than 2 pages, single sided, that clearly indicate educational background and ability to be a SSOS coach. This resume must clearly demonstrate at least 5 years of classroom or administrative experience in Alaska or as a professional educational consultant in Alaska, and experience as a member of a school or district leadership team.
  3. One of the following certifications, or evidence of qualifications to obtain one of the following certifications:
    1. Current Alaskan Type A Professional Teacher Certificate
    2. Current Alaskan Master Teacher Certificate
    3. Current Alaskan Type B Administrative Certificate
    4. Current Alaskan Type C Special Services Certificate
    5. Alaskan Retired (Lifetime) Certificate
    6. Alaska Type E Early Childhood Certificate
  4. A completed List of Professional References form (in the attachments to this public notice).

Submission Instructions

Offerors may either submit a hard copy of their documents or may submit PDF copies of the documents via email.

If submitting a hard copy, send one hard copy of each of the required documents to the procurement officer in a sealed package. The sealed proposal package(s) must be addressed as follows.

If using U.S. mail, please use the following address:

RFP 2017-0500-3552
PO BOX 110500
JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811-0500

If using a delivery service, please use the following address:

RFP 2017-0500-3552

Emailed submissions are acceptable but not encouraged. If submitting via email, the documents must be saved as separate PDF documents and emailed to as separate, clearly labeled attachments, such as “Vendor A – Cover Letter.pdf” and “Vendor A – Resume.pdf” (Vendor A is the name of the offeror). The email must contain the RFP number in the subject line.

The maximum size of a single email (including all text and attachments) that can be received by the state is 20mb (megabytes). If the email containing the submission exceeds this size, the submission must be sent in multiple emails that are each less than 20 megabytes and each email must comply with the requirements described above. It is the offeror’s responsibility to contact the issuing agency at (907) 465-8654 to confirm that the submission has been received. There will be no emailed acknowledgment of receipt of an emailed submission. Only receipt of an email may be confirmed: the email will not be opened until the deadline for receipt of proposals. The state is not responsible for unreadable, corrupt, or missing attachments. Emailed submissions received after the deadline shall be treated as if the offeror’s failed to submit a proposal prior to the deadline and will cause the submission to be disqualified. Late emailed submissions or amendments will not be opened or accepted for evaluation.

NOTE: A complete submission must be received by the deadline. Incomplete or proposals received after the deadline shall be rejected as late proposals. The time an offeror sends a proposal is not the time of receipt. A proposal sent prior to the deadline, but received after the deadline shall be rejected as a late proposal.

Background Information

The mission of the State System of Support Coaching Program is to support districts and schools as they build their capacity to implement sustainable school improvement strategies.

The SSOS program works with district and school staff to promote improvement in the six effective school domains of Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction, Supportive Learning Environment, Professional Development, Leadership and also the seven Expectations for Priority Schools consisting of Effective Leadership, Effective teaching, Maximizing Learning Time, Research Based Instruction, Use of Data, Support and Safe Learning Environments, and Collaborative Community Engagement.. This includes, but is not limited to, work in these areas:

  1. Develop, implement and sustain school improvement efforts
  2. Align curriculum and assessments with Alaska State Standards
  3. Promote and integrate the Alaska Cultural Standards
  4. Increase data literacy and the use of data to inform instruction
  5. Develop structures that support quality instruction and effective interventions for all students
  6. Promote student access to meaningful exposure in all content areas
  7. Foster a positive school climate and learning environment that is attentive to local culture
  8. Foster staff collaboration through weekly staff meetings that discuss individual student progress,
  9. Align professional development policies and practices with resources and academic goals
  10. Develop principals as instructional leaders through the use of tools such as regular walkthroughs, precision goal setting, and school-wide initiatives

SSOS Coaching Program and Coach Expectations

The SSOS Coaching Program provides on-site technical assistance to support schools and districts in their efforts to improve systems and structures that increase student achievement. Coaches work collaboratively with educators to assess school needs, and design interventions based on education research.

SSOS Coaches receive required training on established SSOS Coaching Program tools and protocols. Coaches will take part in at least three (3) face-to-face meetings per year as well as partner calls with designated partners, and periodic, scheduled SSOS Coaching Program audio staff meetings. Coaches will be expected to adhere to the processes and tools presented by the Department of Education and Early Development and/or the department’s designee.

SSOS Coaches will be assigned to one or more schools, depending on the size and location of the sites. Coaches will visit this site each month, spending four consecutive days with the staff. If a coach is assigned to more than one school, the on-site time will be divided between the sites. Site visit activities will be based on school need, and shall include modeling instruction and leadership practices, co-teaching, facilitation, professional development, and data analysis. The logistics of coaching in rural Alaska necessitate that Coaches travel on the weekend, sleep in classrooms, and pack their own food and bedding. Phone, email, and other distance communication tools used between site visits require evening and weekend contact time.

Contract Types and Amounts

Contract will be Firm Fixed Price contract and will be either a Full Contract or a Partial Contract based upon an offeror’s preference and on the needs of the program. In the first year of the contract, coaches will receive a contract for their services of $36,375 for a Full Contract, or $24,250 for a Partial Contract. Subsequent years will be amounts for services of $48,500 for a Full Contract, or $24,250 for a Partial Contract.

Pre-Submission Teleconference

There will be a pre-submission teleconference held at 9:30 AM on Thursday, September 29, 2016. This will be a teleconference and potential offerors are invited to attend the teleconference by calling (800) 315-6338, code 58654. The purpose of the teleconference is to discuss the work to be performed with the prospective offerors and allow them to ask questions concerning this call for submissions. Participants should read this call and call into the teleconference prepared to discuss any concerns. Questions submitted in writing to more than 24 hours in advance will be answered in this conference. Questions that arise during the conference may or may not be answered during the conference. Questions and answers will be transcribed and sent to prospective offerors as soon as possible after the meeting.

Offerors with a disability needing accommodation should contact the procurement officer prior to the date set for the pre-proposal conference so that reasonable accommodation can be made.


The approximate contract schedule is as follows:

  • Issue call for submissions September 21, 2016,
  • Pre-Submission Teleconference at 9:30 AM on Thursday, September 29, 2016;
  • Deadline for Questions 5:00 PM on Monday, October 3, 2016;
  • Deadline for Receipt of Proposals 4:00 PM on Monday, October 17, 2016;
  • Deadline to contact references 5:00 PM on Friday, October 21, 2016;
  • Interviews October 24-28, 2016;
  • Proposal Evaluation Committee completes evaluations by Monday, October 31, 2016;
  • State of Alaska issues Notice of Intent to Award (a) Contract(s) October 31, 2016;
  • State of Alaska issues contract(s) Monday, November 14, 2016;
  • Contract start Friday, November 18, 2016
  • First contractor work period November 19, 2016 to June 30, 2017,
  • If exercised: first renewal option work period July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.

Important Notice: If you received this solicitation from the State of Alaska’s “Online Public Notice” web site or other notification service, you must register with the procurement officer listed in this document to receive subsequent amendments. Failure to contact the procurement officer may result in the rejection of your submission.

Procurement Officer: Rob Roys

<end of notice>

<attachment: List of Professional References>

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 9/21/2016 5:19:13 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/21/2016 5:22:25 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/21/2016 5:23:34 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/21/2016 5:26:46 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/21/2016 5:27:57 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/21/2016 5:29:20 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/21/2016 5:34:34 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/23/2016 12:00:09 PM by rtroys
Modified 9/26/2016 1:46:29 PM by rtroys
Modified 10/6/2016 4:11:31 PM by rtroys
Modified 10/6/2016 4:12:33 PM by rtroys
Modified 10/6/2016 4:17:52 PM by rtroys
Modified 10/28/2016 5:14:47 PM by rtroys
Modified 11/8/2016 2:34:25 PM by rtroys


Department: Education and Early Development
Category: Procurement
Sub-Category: Professional Services
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 9/21/2016
Archive Date: 11/18/2016
  • Issue call for submissions
    9/21/2016 12:00am
  • Pre-Submission Teleconference
    9/29/2016 9:30am
  • Deadline for Questions
    10/3/2016 5:00pm
  • Deadline for Receipt of Proposals
    10/17/2016 4:00pm
  • Deadline to contact references
    10/21/2016 5:00pm
  • Interviews
    10/24/2016 8:00am - 10/28/2016 4:00pm
  • Proposal Evaluation Committee completes evaluation
    10/31/2016 5:00pm
  • State of Alaska issues Notice of Intent to Award
    10/31/2016 5:00pm
  • State of Alaska issues contract(s)
    11/14/2016 12:00am
  • Contract(s) start
    11/18/2016 9:00am
  • First contractor work period
    11/18/2016 9:00am - 6/30/2017 5:00pm
  • If exercised: first renewal option work period
    7/1/2017 9:00am - 6/29/2018 5:00pm