Independent Expenditures Form 15-6



Submission Date: 07/29/2019

Filer Information

Filer First Name: Jennifer
Filer Middle Name: Marie
Filer Last Name: Stryker
Filer Full Address: 311 W 22nd Ave Unit C
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Filer Occupation: Campaign work
Filer Employer: Ship Creek Group
Filer's Title with Other Entity: Operations Director

Report Information

Report Year: 2019
Election Year: 2020
Report Type: Ten Day
Filer Type: Registered Group

Business/Other Entity Information

Business/Other Entity Name: Defend Alaska
Type of Business or Organization: Registered Group
Address: 311 W 22nd Ave Unit C
City: Anchorage
State: Alaska
Country: United States
Business/Other Entity Contact Person: Jennifer Marie Stryker
Contact E-mail:
Contact Phone: 4154647649

Election Information

Election: State Primary Election


Name Full Address Title
Cordelia Qiġñaaq Kellie 416 East Street Juneau
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Jennifer Marie Stryker 311 W 22nd Ave Unit C
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Barbara Blake 2370 Ka See An Dr
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Aaron Welterlen 3750 Azurite Dr
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709
Joe Nelson POB 20123
Juneau, Alaska 99802
James O'Malley, MD 1200 Airport Hts Dr
Anchorage, Alaska 99501


Date Recipient Payment
Candidate /
07/29/2019 Facebook
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park, California 94025
Debit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - Sara Rasmussen
Election: State Primary Election
Facebook aggregate purchases 7/20-7/29 (AS REPORTED AS DEBT ON 7/19)
07/29/2019 Anedot
10821 Rosebud Court
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815
Bank Fee

OPPOSE: 2020 - Sara Rasmussen
Election: State Primary Election
Aggregate Anedot fees 7/20-7/29


Contributor Details Amount
07/20/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Katie Scovic
311 West 22nd Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Occupation: Senior Policy Analyst
Employer: Cook Inlet Housing Authority
3510 Spenard Rd # 100
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
07/20/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Greg Hunter
102 Remington Way
Sitka, Alaska 99835
Occupation: Network Engineer
Employer: Sitka Community Hospital
209 Moller Ave
Sitka, Alaska 99835
07/20/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Jeff Sloss
15775 Glacier Highway
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Occupation: retired
Employer: retired
N/A, Alaska N/A
07/20/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Gretchen Bishop
12175 Mendenhall Loop Road
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Occupation: retired
Employer: retired
N/A, Alaska N/A
07/21/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Beth Leonard
8635 Bell Place
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Occupation: professor
Employer: UAA
3211 Providence Dr
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
07/22/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Barbara Blake
2370 Ka See An Drive
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Occupation: Director
Employer: First Alaskans Institute
606 E Street, Suite 200
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
07/22/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Annie Calkins
20139 Cohen Drive
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Occupation: retired
Employer: retired
N/A, Alaska N/A
07/22/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Harriet Martin
313 Country Club Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514
Occupation: retired
Employer: retired
N/A, Alaska N/A
07/22/2019 Type: Individual
Name: hollis handler
1406 Mary Ellen Way
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Occupation: lawyer
Employer: alaska legal services
8800 Glacier Highway, Suite 228
Juneau, Alaska 99801
07/22/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Joshua Hemsath
9300 Arlene Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99502
Occupation: Program Fellow
Employer: Rasmuson Foundation
301 W Northern Lights Blvd #601
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
07/23/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Megan Carlson
11864 Galloway Loop
Anchorage, Alaska 99577
Occupation: Accreditation Functions director
Employer: UAA
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
07/23/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Thomas Rokholt
4A William Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 2139
Occupation: Associate
Employer: Enel X North America
One Marina Park Drive
Boston, Massachusetts 2110
07/23/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Megan Carlson
11864 Galloway Loop
Anchorage, Alaska 99577
Occupation: Accreditation Functions director
Employer: UAA
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
07/25/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Joseph Banta
6820 Teresa Circle
Anchorage, Alaska 99516
Occupation: retired
Employer: retired
retired, Alaska retired
07/26/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Pixie Siebe
8700 Solar Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Occupation: retired
Employer: retired
retired, Alaska retired
07/26/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Jenn Miller
Box 1899
Wrangell, Alaska 99929
Occupation: Administration
Employer: Wrangell Public School District
350 Bennett Street
Wrangell, Alaska 99929
07/27/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Carl Bostek
864 Norman Street
Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Occupation: retired
Employer: retired
retired, Alaska retired
07/27/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Luke Port
2967 Gold Hill Road
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709
Occupation: Customer Service
Employer: The Comic Shop of Fairbanks Alaska
418 3rd Street
Fairbanks, Alaska 99701
07/28/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Daniel Frondorf
2906 Cesar Chavez
San Francisco, California 94110
Occupation: Risk Analyst
Employer: Stripe, Inc.
510 Townsend Street
San Francisco, California 94103
07/28/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Andrew Marburg
136 Hamilton Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517
Occupation: Student
Employer: UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine
136 Hamilton Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517
07/28/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Alex Prichard
PO Box 80222
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708
Occupation: Biologist
Employer: ABR
PO Box 80410
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708
07/29/2019 Type: Individual
Name: Craig Trytten
1506 Elcadore Dr
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Occupation: RN
Employer: PAMC
3200 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508


Date Recipient Candidate /
No Debts / Nothing to Report

Report Summary

Number of Expenditures Reported with this Report: 2
Total of paid Expenditures: $1,782.70 

Previous Contributions: $6,241.00 
Number of Contributions Reported with this Report: 22
Total of Contributions Reported with this Report: $1,835.00 
Cumulative Contribution Amounts: $8,076.00 

Number of Officers: 6

Number of Debts Reported with this Report: 0
Total of Debts Incurred but not yet paid: $0.00