The Alaska Department of Fish & Game will be hosting a meeting for the Fortymile Caribou Herd Harvest Management Coalition on February 27th and 28th at Pike's Lodge in Fairbanks, AK and by web/teleconference. This meeting is open to the public.
Join the meeting online:
Dial in: (669) 444-9171 or (888) 475-4499 Toll-Free
Meeting ID: 826 7180 5643
Passcode: 40mile
The most recent Fortymile Caribou Herd Harvest Management Plan (HMP) expired in 2023 (see attached). The Department of Fish and Game (Department) has received several requests by affected Fish and Game Advisory Committees within the range of the Fortymile Herd to convene the Fortymile Caribou Herd Harvest Management Coalition (HMC) and update the HMP, particularly with respect to Alaskan harvest and regulatory approaches. The expired HMP plan was completed in 2019 and presented to and supported by the Alaska Board of Game and the Federal Subsistence Board. The HMP served as a management framework for the herd and was used by the Department to help guide management and harvest through the 2023–2024 regulatory year.
The last HMP revision process included a series of 3 meetings during 2017–2019 and was facilitated and funded by the Department. As such, the Department is anticipating a series of 2 to 3 meetings, as needed, beginning this winter to complete the next revision of the HMP. This timeline will allow the Department to seek funding for HMC member participation, develop and distribute information to participants prior to meetings and determine a meeting schedule that works for all participants. Prior membership composition of the HMC is described below. The Department will use these guidelines to contact the appropriate participants for this process.
For further information about this meeting please contact Tok Area Biologist Jeff Gross at or 907 883-2971.