


Request For Information (RFI) #2523H087 Alaska Highway Safety Improvement Program Handbook Update

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is requesting information from vendors capable of providing contractual assistance to update the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Handbook. This includes evaluation and recommended changes to the narrative, processes, procedures, and supporting worksheets.

This Request for Information (RFI) is meant to identify potential sources, project timeline, required capabilities, and summary of challenges inherent in modernization and potential reimagining of the policies and tools DOT&PF uses to deliver the HSIP and completing an update of the Alaska HSIP Handbook. The information provided by respondents does not need to be a comprehensive list of work tasks but should describe a high-level conceptual model or approach to assist DOT&PF in developing cost and timeline estimates for this project. Respondents are encouraged to submit descriptions of similar projects completed, including the challenges that arose and how they were resolved.

Responses should be geared toward describing how consultants would address the components described below and should include a rough idea of the level of effort based on past implementation of similar projects. Responses may include varying scales of implementation.

Responses should support the components described in this RFI.

Interested parties must submit a written response to the Procurement Officer no later than 3:00 pm Alaska Time, July 17, 2023:

Chris Hunt

Procurement Officer

Department of Transportation & Public Facilities

Division of Administrative Services

Phone: (907) 465-8448


Emailed or hard copy responses are acceptable. If sending a hard copy response, send the response to the following address:

U.S. Mail:

P.O. Box 112500

Juneau, AK 99811-2500


Delivery Service (FedEx, UPS):

3132 Channel Drive

Juneau, AK 99801


Responses for this RFI may be submitted electronically, please see electronic submission guidance provided below.

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION GUIDANCE:  The RFI response may be emailed to the following:

Bid Submission Email Address:       

Subject Line for Email Submission: 


NOTE:  The following file size guidance must be considered when submitting the RFI Response.

The maximum size of a single email (including all text and attachments) that can be received by the state is 20mb (megabytes).  If the email containing the bid exceeds this size, the bid must be sent in multiple emails that are each less than 20 megabytes and each email must comply with the requirements described above.  If sending multiple emails due to response file size, please add the number of emails being sent. 

Example:  Email 1 of 3; Email 2 of 3; Email 3 of 3. 

Please note that email transmission is not instantaneous.  Similar to sending a hard copy bid, the state recommends sending it enough ahead of time to ensure the email is delivered by the deadline for RFI Submission.  

It is the respondent’s responsibility to contact the issuing agency at 907-465-8448 to confirm that the bid has been received. The state is not responsible for unreadable, corrupt, or missing attachments.

Attachments, History, Details


Department: Transportation and Public Facilities
Category: Procurement
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 6/26/2023
Archive Date: 7/18/2023