


Preliminary Decision for Special Land Use Permit to City and Borough of Juneau for Deposit of Dredged Material in Auke Bay



City and Borough of Juneau

In accordance with AS 38.05.850, AS 38.05.075 and 11 AAC 58.210, the Division of Mining, Land and Water (DMLW) has issued a preliminary decision to authorize the City and Borough of Juneau to deposit up to 30,375 cubic yards of dredged material from Statter Harbor on 63 acres of state-owned submerged land in Auke Bay (Sec 27. T. 40 S., R. 65 E., CRM) for an indeterminate period of time.

Public notice of this preliminary written decision will be posted on the Alaska Public Notice System website for 30 calendar days. The public may provide written comments to DMLW during that time.  The Juneau post offices will also be requested to post the notice of this preliminary decision.

The public is invited to comment on this preliminary decision. Written comments must be received by DNR no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 27, 2017.   All comments must be submitted to: DNR, Division of Mining, Land and Water, Southeastern Regional Office by mail at 400 Willoughby Avenue, P.O. Box 111020, Juneau, AK 99811-1020, by fax at 907-465-3886, or by electronic mail to in order to ensure consideration. Please include your mailing address and telephone contact.  In order to establish appeal rights regarding this decision, you are required by law to meaningfully participate in the decision process by commenting on the decision, in writing, prior to the comment deadline. Following the deadline, all timely written comments will be considered, and DNR may modify this decision based on public comments received.

If DNR determines that public comments in response to this notice indicate the need for significant changes to the decision, additional public notice will be given. If no significant changes are required, the preliminary decision, after any necessary minor changes, will be issued as a final decision. A copy of the final decision, along with instructions on filing an appeal, will be sent to all persons who comment on the preliminary decision. Persons who do not submit written comments during the comment period will have no legal right to appeal the final decision.

The Division of Mining, Land and Water reserves the right to waive technical defects in this publication.

Post through: November 28, 2017

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 10/27/2017 2:17:48 PM by ajmoser
Modified 10/27/2017 2:23:22 PM by ajmoser


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Juneau, Southeast Region
Project/Regulation #: LAS 31772
Publish Date: 10/27/2017
Archive Date: 11/27/2017