RFP 2025-0500-0309 Career Guide Project Coordinator
The Department of Education and Early Development (DEED), Division of Innovation and Education Excellence, is seeking for a Career Guide Project Coordinator who will support the Career Guide Pilot Project, a joint initiative between DEED, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), the Bristol Bay Regional Career and Technical Education Consortium (BBRCTE), Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI), and philanthropic partners. The position will strengthen coordination between districts, career guides, and partner organizations to ensure successful implementation, professional development, and expansion of career guidance efforts.
The Alaska Career Guide Project aims to help students transition successfully into postsecondary pathways that align with regional workforce needs. Due to Alaska’s vast geography and the high number of rural and remote school districts, many students have limited access to career exploration, postsecondary planning, and workforce readiness resources. Given Alaska’s vast geography and the predominance of rural and remote school districts, many students face limited access to career exploration, postsecondary planning, and workforce readiness resources. The Career Guide Project seeks to bridge this gap by providing students with personalized career guidance, connecting them to post-secondary training institutions, industry partners, and financial aid opportunities. Career guides play a critical role in helping students navigate career options, particularly in rural communities and Native Alaskan populations, where subsistence lifestyles and localized economic structures shape workforce opportunities.
See attachments for additional information.
Amendment #1 issued on 3/27/2025