State of Alaska
Department of Natural Resources
Division of Forestry and Fire Protection
Edna Bay Parlay Three Timber Sale
Notice of Timber Sale under AS 38.05.945 & AS 38.05.035(e). The State of Alaska, represented by the Alaska State Forester of the Department of Natural Resources, does hereby notify that the Division of Forestry & Fire Protection (DOF) is offering the following commercial timber sale for competitive sealed bid: Edna Bay Parlay Three (SSE–1342-3-K).
The DOF is offering the State timber sold under AS 38.05.120 as described and represented by the Edna Bay Parlay Three Timber Sale prospectus and the applicable Forest Land Use Plan.
The Edna Parlay Three Timber Sale is located on the south side of Kosciusko Island with limited road access, centered approximately two miles southwest of the community of Edna Bay. The legal description of the sale area is within Sections 1 and 2 of Township 69 South, Range 76 East, all in Copper River Meridian. The sale includes approximately 166 acres in two harvest units composed primarily of young growth timber with a residual component of old growth timber. The saw-timber proposed for harvest is Sitka spruce, western hemlock, and western red cedar. The estimated #3 sawlogs and better within the sale are composed of 3,155 MBF of young growth saw timber intermixed with 1,602 MBF of old growth saw timber. Another 356 MBF of #4 sawlogs and (net) utility grade wood is estimated in the harvest units. Removal of the #4 sawlogs and utility grade logs is optional.
The term of the contract is three years. The purchaser is required to deposit a performance bond with the State for an amount of $100,000.00 at the time of signing the contract.
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources hereby gives notice that it is in the best interest of the State to offer this timber sale by a competitive sealed bid process. To qualify bidders must, prior to the bid opening, not be in breach of any prior timber sale contract, and must submit a copy of their current Alaska Business License. The Business License copy may accompany the sealed bid. The sealed bid shall be on forms provided by the Division of Forestry, marked on the outside of the envelope with the timber sale name and number, addressed to the Southeast Area Office, 2417 Tongass Avenue, Suite 213 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 and will be accepted until 2:00 P.M. prevailing time, March 27, 2025. Sealed bids may also be presented in person to the Southeast Area Forester before the bid opening. All bids must be in the physical possession of the Southeast Area Forester before the bid opening. Bidders are responsible for ensuring their complete bid package is delivered on time.
For a bid to qualify, prospective bidders will be required to submit a 5% bid deposit of the total bid value. The State reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Unless all bids are rejected, the sale will be awarded to the responsible qualified bidder offering the highest total bid value for the timber on the sale. The State also reserves the right to waive technical defects in this advertisement in the best interest of the State. The minimum acceptable total bid price for the timber is $52,327.00.
If bidding as an agent for an individual, partnership, or corporation, the agent must submit with the bid a notarized power-of-attorney authorizing such agency. No agent may represent more than one principal or bid in competition with the agent’s principal.
Alaska Division of Forestry and Fire Protection
2417 Tongass Avenue, Suite 213
Ketchikan, AK 99901
Contact: Greg Staunton
Phone: (907) 225-3070
Copies of the prospectus are available for review at the Division’s Area Office in Ketchikan and on the State Online Public Notice System at:
The State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need help with bidding should contact the Division of Forestry at 907-225-3070 to make any necessary arrangements.