Notice of Adjudicatory Hearing on DEC Division of Water Issuance of APDES Permit Number AK0062295 to IPOP, LLC
Requester: Kawerak, Inc
Contested Decision: The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water Issuance of APDES permit AK0062295 to IPOP, LLC on October 10, 2024
Location: Bonanza Channel
Based on the written submittals relating to the request for adjudicatory hearing and recommended decision from the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), the Commissioner issued an order on January 16, 2025 granting a hearing. The Commissioner’s January 16 decision is available as an attachment to the online public notice; copies may also be obtained by writing to Jessalynn Rintala, Hearing Liaison, Office of the Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation, P.O. Box 111800, Juneau, AK 99811-1800; by phoning 907-465-5061; by faxing a request to 907-465-5070; or by email to
As provided in 18 AAC 15.225, any person who wishes to intervene in proceedings granted by the Commissioner may serve upon the administrative law judge at OAH a request to intervene that contains the information and meets the requirements specified in 18 AAC 15.200, not later than fifteen days after publication of this notice or mailing of this notice under 18 AAC 15.220(d), whichever occurs last. A request to intervene must meet the requirements of 18 AAC 15.225 and 2 AAC 64.180. A person requesting to intervene must serve a copy of their request to intervene on the administrative law judge, the division director, the requester, and the permit applicant. An existing party may submit an objection to a request to intervene no later than seven days after service of the request to intervene.
DEC complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you are a person with a disability who may need a special accommodation in order to participate in this process, please contact ADA Coordinator Mike Kruzinski,, 1-907-334-0884; Alaska Relay Service/TTY/TDD 1-800-770-8973/TTY; or 711 to ensure that any necessary accommodations can be provided.
Notice dated – February 7, 2025