


DOT&PF Notice to Begin Engineering & Environmental Studies: Cold Bay Airport Fence Replacement and Gate Upgrades

Project # SFAPT00520

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), in cooperation with the Alaska Region of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is proposing to rehabilitate and extend the fence and upgrade the gates at the Cold Bay Airport. The proposed project is in Cold Bay, Alaska.

The proposed work includes the following activities:
• Removal of the existing partial perimeter fence and construction of a full perimeter chain link fence   with bear skirt as needed, and relocate a small section of the existing fence
• Replacement of five Vehicle Gates
• Removal of one Vehicle Gate
• Replace five Electric Gates
• Construct one Man Gate
• Replace two Man Gates
• Gate and driveway improvements

Supporting field studies include topographic survey, geotechnical investigation, wetlands, invasive species, PFAS testing, and cultural resources.

Field studies were conducted during the summer and fall of 2024 and are anticipated to continue into the spring of 2025. Construction is anticipated to begin as early as summer of 2026.

Cold Bay does not participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. The project would be constructed near Trout Creek; however, no significant encroachments or net changes to base flood elevations are anticipated.

Development of the proposed project would follow a process required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Based on project location and scope of work, the environmental document is anticipated to be a categorical exclusion (CE). Possible affected resources include wetlands, waters of the U.S., and cultural or historic properties.

The proposed project would comply with all applicable authorities including:
• Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act
• Clean Air and Clean Water Acts
• Endangered Species Act
• National Historic Preservation Act - Section 106
• EO-11990 (Wetlands Protection)
• EO-11988 (Floodplain Protection)
• EO-12898 (Environmental Justice) 
• US Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
• U.S. DOT Act Section 4(f)

DOT&PF is soliciting comments on the proposed project. Your comments would help us evaluate potential environmental, social, and economic impacts of this project, as well as impacts to historic and cultural resources.

Please submit your written comments to:
Kathryn Erickson, Environmental Impact Analyst
DOT&PF Southcoast Region
P.O. Box 112506
Juneau, Alaska 99811-2506
Phone: (907) 465-4498
Fax: (907) 465-4414

To ensure that all possible factors are considered, please provide comments via email, fax, or mailing address by February 12, 2025.

It is the policy of the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) that no person shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of any and all programs or activities we provide based on race, religion, color, gender, age, marital status, ability, or national origin, regardless of the funding source including Federal Transit Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Highway Administration and State of Alaska funds. DOT&PF complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

If you or someone you represent requires special accommodations in order to respond to this public notice, please call or email the project coordinator listed above, or call Alaska Relay at 711, or call (800) 770-8973 for TTY, (800) 770-8255 for voice, (800) 770-3919 for ASCII, (866) 355-6198 for STS. Ask the communications assistant to call the project coordinator listed above so arrangements can be made to assist you.

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Revision History

Created 1/13/2025 1:35:29 PM by asaggiomo


Department: Transportation and Public Facilities
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Southcoast Region
Project/Regulation #: SFAPT00520
Publish Date: 1/13/2025
Archive Date: 2/13/2025