Notice Of Utility Application
The REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA (Commission) gives notice that on December 30, 2024, Hilcorp Alaska Storage, LLC (Hilcorp Storage) filed an application for a new certificate of public convenience and necessity (certificate) to own and operate natural gas storage facilities near the Kenai Gas Field (KGF) in Alaska. Docket No. U-24-044 was opened to address this matter.
The KGF storage facility consists of 16 wells permitted for underground storage operations for the purpose of injecting gas for storage during the summer months and withdrawal for sales during winter months. Current storage capacity at the KGF storage facility is 38 billion cubic feet with maximum deliverability of 130 million cubic feet per day (MMCFPD). The KGF storage facility’s well stock capacity is 80 MMCFPD at 220 pound per square inch reservoir pressure.
No motions for waiver or petitions for confidentiality were filed with Hilcorp Storage’s application. The Commission has not assessed the completeness of the application. The Commission may determine whether the application is complete by January 28, 2025.
A person who proposes to file an application to furnish the same, or substantially the same, service or facility to essentially the same service area or route, in whole or in part, thus creating the potential for mutually exclusive applications must file a notice of intent to file a competing application by February 6, 2025. The person must then file the competing application by April 7, 2025. If no notice of intent to file a competing application is filed by February 6, 2025, the Commission will proceed to grant or deny Hilcorp Storage’s application to for a new certificate in accordance with the applicable provisions of AS 42.05.221 – 42.05.281.
You may obtain information about this request by contacting Kristin E. Crabb, Counsel for Hilcorp Storage, at 1029 West 3rd Avenue, Suite 400, Anchorage, Alaska 99501; phone: (907) 793-2200. The complete filing is also available for inspection at the Commission's office, 701 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300, Anchorage, AK, 99501; Phone: (907) 276-6222, or may be viewed at the Commission’s website, by typing Docket No. “U-24-044" in the Find a Matter search box.
To comment on this filing, please file your comments by 5:00 p.m., January 28, 2025, at the Commission's address above or via our website at:
Please reference Docket No. U-24-044 and include a statement that you have filed a copy of the comments with Hilcorp Storage at the address given above.
Individuals or groups of people with disabilities, who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids or service, or alternative communications formats, please contact Samantha Vukasin at (907) 276-6222, toll-free at 1-800-390-2782; TTY/Alaska Relay: 7-1-1 or (800) 770-8973; or send a request via electronic mail to by January 21, 2025.
DATED at Anchorage, Alaska, this 7th day of January 2025.
John Paul Manaois
For: John M. Espindola