


REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA - Notice Of Application to Discontinue Service

Notice Of Application to Discontinue Service

The REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA (Commission) gives notice that on November 8, 2024, GCI Cable, Inc. (GCI) filed an application to discontinue cable television (CATV) service throughout Alaska. If approved, GCI would relinquish Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity as follows: 143 (Sitka); 144 (Ketchikan); 156 (Juneau); 157 (Cordova); 158 (Wrangell/Petersburg); 164 (Nome); 168 (Kodiak); 187 (Utqiagvik); 191 (Valdez); 245 (Kotzebue); 246 (Bethel); 252 (Fairbanks); 261 (Anchorage); 287 (Kenai/Soldotna); 336 (Girdwood); 367 (Seward); 378 (Ruby, Tanana, Whittier); and 401 (Homer). Docket No. U-24-037 was opened to address this matter.

In conjunction with its application, GCI has filed a petition for confidential treatment of its disaggregated customer counts included with the application. Interested parties may file a response to the petition for confidential treatment with the Commission by the close of the comment period indicated below.

AS 42.05.261(a) provides that a public utility may not discontinue service unless, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, the Commission finds that the continued service is not required by the public convenience and necessity. A hearing may be scheduled by the Commission in a future order to allow interested persons to voice their support for or opposition to GCI’s proposed discontinuance of CATV service.

You may obtain information about this filing by contacting Juliana Wayman, Senior Director Regulatory Affairs, 2550 Denali Street, 1000, Anchorage, AK, 99503; phone: (907) 868-5600. The complete filing is also available for inspection at the Commission's office at 701 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300, Anchorage, AK 99501 ; phone: (907) 276-6222, or may be viewed at the Commission's website at by typing Docket No. "U-24-037" in the Find a Matter search box.

To comment on this filing, please file your comments by 5:00 p.m., December 26, 2024, at the Commission's address given above or via our website at:

Please reference Docket No. U-24-037 and include a statement that you have filed a copy of the comments with GCI at the address given above. Individuals or groups of people with disabilities, who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids or service, or alternative communications formats, please contact Sam Vukasin at (907) 276-6222, toll-free at 1-800-390-2782, TTY/Alaska Relay: 7–1–1 or 1-800-770-8973, or send a request via electronic mail to by December 19, 2024.

DATED at Anchorage, Alaska, this 25th day of November 2024.



John M. Espindola

Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 11/25/2024 5:29:34 PM by lahenry


Department: Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
Category: Public Notices
Sub-Category: Pipeline/Utilities
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #: U-24-037
Publish Date: 11/25/2024
Archive Date: 12/26/2024
  • Public Notice Comment Deadline
    12/26/2024 5:00pm