


Beaufort Sea Areawide 2024W, North Slope Areawide 2024W, and North Slope Foothills Areawide 2024 Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sales

The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Oil and Gas (DO&G), is giving notice pursuant to AS 38.05.945(a)(4) that it is offering State lands for competitive oil and gas leasing in the Beaufort Sea Areawide 2024W (BSA 2024W), the North Slope Areawide 2024W (NSA 2024W), and the North Slope Foothills Areawide 2024 (FHA 2024) Competitive Oil and Gas Lease Sales. This notice is available on the State of Alaska Online Public Notice System at

Bidding Method

The bid method for the BSA 2024W, NSA 2024W, and FHA 2024 sales will be cash bonus with fixed royalty. The sales will be conducted by sealed bid auction. DO&G has contracted with EnergyNet Services, LLC (EnergyNet) to provide an online bidding system for this sale. Bidder registration and bid submission will be on the EnergyNet Government Listings site at

Sale Dates

All times listed are Anchorage, Alaska Local Time.

  • First day to submit bids with EnergyNet – Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
  • Deadline to submit bids with EnergyNet – Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
  • Bidding results available to the public online at – Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.

Areawide Lease Sale Locations

The Beaufort Sea Areawide includes approximately 1.7 million acres of state-owned land in 570 tracts ranging in size from 530 to 5,760 acres. The sale area encompasses primarily offshore acreage that extends from the Canadian border in the east to Point Barrow in the west. The northern boundary is along the federal Alaska Outer Continental Shelf. The southern boundary is along the North Slope Areawide and includes onshore acreage between the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPR A). The Areawide is in the North Slope Borough.

The North Slope Areawide includes approximately 5.0 million acres of state-owned land in 3,121 tracts, ranging in size from 160 to 5,760 acres. The sale area encompasses primarily onshore acreage between the Canning River and ANWR on the east and the Colville River and NPR-A on the west. The northern boundary is along the Beaufort Sea Areawide. The southern boundary is along the Umiat Meridian baseline. Some tracts are jointly owned by the State of Alaska and Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC). The Areawide is in the North Slope Borough.

The North Slope Foothills Areawide includes approximately 4.3 million acres of state-owned land in 818 tracts, ranging in size from 240 to 5,760 acres. The sale area encompasses onshore acreage between ANWR on the east and NPR-A on the west. The northern boundary is along the Umiat Meridian baseline, and the southern boundary is the Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve. The areawide is in the North Slope Borough.

Sale Documents

Complete details regarding these lease sales are on the DO&G website at Sale documents include this Notice of Sale, Sale Announcement and Instructions to Bidders, Areawide Sale Information, Attachment A with Estimated Acreages and deferred tracts, lease forms, mitigation measures, and tract map.

Please call (907) 269-8800 or email if you are unable to access sale information. Subscribe to leasing email announcements at

Sale Terms and Conditions

Beaufort Sea Areawide 2024W Terms and Conditions

Lease Sale Tracts

Bid Variable

Per-Acre Minimum Bid

Royalty Rate

Primary Lease Term

Per-Acre Annual Rental Rate

Lease Form


Cash Bonus


16.66667% Fixed

10 Years


DOG 201912W

North Slope Areawide 2024W Terms and Conditions

Lease Sale Tracts

Bid Variable

Per-Acre Minimum Bid

Royalty Rate

Primary Lease Term

Per-Acre Annual Rental Rate

Lease Form


Cash Bonus


16.66667% Fixed

10 Years


DOG 202007W AS

North Sub-Region

Cash Bonus


16.66667% Fixed



DOG 201912W

South Sub-Region

Cash Bonus


12.50000% Fixed



DOG 201912W

North Slope Foothills Areawide 2024 Terms and Conditions

Lease Sale


Per-Acre Minimum Bid

Royalty Rate

Primary Lease Term

Per-Acre Annual Rental Rate

Lease Form





10 Years

Year 1: $1.00
Year 2: $1.50
Year 3: $2.00
Year 4: $2.50
Years 5-10: $3.00


Deferred lease sale tracts are listed on Attachment A of the Areawide Sale Information and will not be listed with EnergyNet. Check for updated Attachment A documents.

Best Interest Findings to Offer Oil and Gas Leases in Areawide Sales

These lease sales are being held according to AS 38.05.035(e) and AS 38.05.180. Under these statutes, land that is subject to a best interest finding issued within the previous 10 years may be offered for oil and gas leasing. The finding sets forth the facts, policies, and applicable laws and regulations upon which the Director based the determination that oil and gas lease sales in an Areawide sale will best serve the interests of the State. Every year, the Director makes a request for substantial new information that may justify a supplement to the finding and issues a response to information received. Best interest finding documents and supplements for these sales can be found on the DO&G website at If you are unable to access this information, call the Leasing Section at (907) 269-8800 or email

Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance

The State of Alaska, DNR, DO&G complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990. This publication will be made available in an alternative communication format upon request. Please call (907) 269-8800 or email to make any necessary arrangements.

Attachments, History, Details


Revision History

Created 10/16/2024 12:25:48 PM by kppetersen
Modified 10/16/2024 12:35:11 PM by kppetersen
Modified 10/16/2024 12:42:24 PM by kppetersen


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Sub-Category: Oil & Gas
Location(s): Anchorage, Arctic Region, Barrow, Deadhorse, Northern Region
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 10/21/2024
Archive Date: 12/11/2024