The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, State of Alaska, proposes to execute a lease for terminal space at Fairbanks International Airport, summarized as follows:
FILE NO: ADA-90977
TERM: 5 year
AREA: Spaces T2401E, T1101A– 16 square feet
USE: CBD oil (THC free) vending machines
RATE: $250 per year plus the greater of $30 per square foot per year per kiosk or a percentage of gross sales derived from airport business as follows:
$0 - $100,000 = 10% of gross sales
$100,001 - $500,000 = 12% of gross sales
Over $500,000 – 14% of gross sales
This file is available for inspection during regular business hours Monday through Friday at the Leasing Office, Fairbanks International Airport. Comments or competing applications may be submitted, in writing, to Airport Leasing, Fairbanks International Airport, 6450 Airport Way, Suite 1, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709, must be received by 5:00 P.M. on or before November 1, 2024, after which the Department will determine whether or not to execute the Terminal Lease.
The Department reserves the right to correct technical defects in the premises description, lease term, or the purposes of any lease issued and may reject any or all applications.
A person with a disability who needs special accommodations to submit comments, or a competing application should contact Christel Burgess at telephone number 907-474-2549, text telephone TDD 1-800-770-TYPE.
DATE: 10/1/2024 BY: SIGNED
Christel Burgess, Chief of Leasing
Fairbanks International Airport
It is the policy of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) that no person shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of, any programs or activities we provide based on race, religion, gender, age, marital status, ability, or national origin, regardless of the funding source including Federal Transit Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Highway Administration and State of Alaska Funds.
The DOT&PF complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services and/or special modifications to participate in this project should contact DOT&PF at 907-474-2500 to make necessary arrangements. Individuals with a hearing impairment can contact Relay Alaska at 711 for assistance. Requests should be made at least 5 days before the accommodation is needed to make any necessary arrangements.