


REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA - Notice of Pipeline Application

Notice of Pipeline Application

The REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA (Commission) gives notice that on June 13, 2024, Oliktok Pipeline Company (Oliktok) filed an application seeking a construction permit to replace 1,400 feet of existing pipe on the Oliktok Pipeline. Docket No. P-24-010 was opened to address this matter.

Oliktok is authorized to transport natural gas and natural gas liquids on the Oliktok Pipeline under Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 334. In its application, Oliktok requests a permit authorizing the replacement of 1,400 feet of existing 8-inch pipe with 16-inch pipe from the tie-in at Skid 50 to Module 501. Such modification will enable Oliktok to increase the capacity of the Oliktok Pipeline from 90 million standard cubic feet of natural gas per day (MMSCFD) to 114 MMSCFD.

No motions for waiver or petitions for confidential treatment were filed with the application. The Commission has not assessed the completeness of the filings. The Commission will determine whether the filing is complete by July 5, 2024.

You may obtain information about the application by contacting Dean D. Thompson, counsel for Oliktok, at Kemppel, Huffman & Ellis, P.C., at 255 E Fireweed Lane, Suite 200, Anchorage, AK 99503; phone: 907-277-1604. The complete filing is also available for inspection at the Commission's office, 701 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300, Anchorage, AK, 99501; phone 907-276-6222, or may be viewed at the Commission’s website, by typing “P-24-010" in the Find a Matter search box.

To comment on this filing, please file your comments by 5:00 p.m., July 11, 2024, at the Commission's address above or via our website at:

Please reference Docket No. P-24-010 and include a statement that you have filed a copy of the comments with Oliktok at the addresses given above. Individuals or groups of people with disabilities, who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids or service, or alternative communications formats, please contact Naomi Johnston at 907-276-6222, toll-free at 1-800-390-2782, TTY/Alaska Relay: 7–1–1 or 1-800-770-8973, or send a request by email to by July 5, 2024.

Dated at Anchorage, Alaska, this 20th day of June 2024.

                                                            REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA


                                                            Robert A. Doyle

Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 6/20/2024 2:20:16 PM by lahenry


Department: Commerce, Community and Economic Development
Category: Public Notices
Sub-Category: Pipeline/Utilities
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #: P-24-010
Publish Date: 6/20/2024
Archive Date: 7/11/2024
  • Public Comment Deadline
    7/11/2024 5:00pm