


Notice of Application for State Water Quality Certification - Piledriver Slough

Notice of Application for State Water Quality Certification

Public Notice (PN) Date: February 23, 2024   PN Reference Number: 0FPOA-2017-00526 v1.0
PN Expiration Date: March 24, 2024                                          Waterway: Piledriver Slough

Any applicant for a federal license or permit to conduct an activity that might result in a discharge into waters of the United States, in accordance with Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), must also apply for and obtain certification from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation that the discharge will comply with the CWA and the Alaska Water Quality Standards (18 AAC 70). The scope of certification is limited to the water quality-related impacts from the activity subject to the Federal license or permit (40 CFR 121.3, 18 AAC 15.180).

Notice is hereby given that a request for a CWA §401 Water Quality Certification of a Department of the Army Permit application, Corps of Engineers’ PN Reference Number indicated above has been received0F[1] for the discharge of dredged and/or fill materials into waters of the United States (WOTUS), including wetlands, as described below, and shown on the project figures/drawings. The public notice and related project figures/drawings are accessible from the DEC website at

To comment on the project or request for a public hearing with respect to water quality, submit comments electronically via the DEC public notice site at  on or before the public notice expiration date listed above.

Applicant: Piledriver Slough Reese Residence Farm, Randy Reese, 6035 Homesite Ct, Salcha, AK 99714, (907) 385-7770;

Project Name: Piledriver Slough, Reese Farm – Agricultural Pasture Clearing

Dates of the proposed activity is planned to begin and end: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2024

Location: The proposed activity is located within Section 01, T. 04S, R. 03E, Fairbanks Meridian, in Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska. 0126624. Project Site (Latitude, Longitude): 64.596592, -147.07208.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is to be able to establish pasture land for livestock.

Description of Proposed Work: The applicant proposes to clear vegetation and stockpile vegetation to create pasture for livestock. The clearing of vegetation and excavation to remove tree and shrub roots, and placement of plant material stockpiles would result in the discharge of fill material into approximately 20-23 acres of black spruce scrub-shrub wetlands. Land clearing is planned when the ground is frozen in spring or late autumn.

Agricultural Land Clearing of up to 23 acres will take place over 5 years in phases by clearing approximately 4 acres per year.  Equipment used to clear each parcel will be either a dozer or skid steer with mulcher attachment during either the early spring or first frost of each season.  All material will be placed into berms located on the east and west side of each parcel.  These berms will be used to help prevent excess water flow to any neighboring lands and help direct water drainage.

Applicant Proposed Mitigation: The applicant proposes the following mitigation measures to avoid, minimize, and compensate for impacts to waters of the United States from activities involving discharges of dredged or fill material.

  1. Avoidance: The current location of the proposed project is located behind the residence and is upland from the pile driver slough. Swells will be developed to allow surface water connectivity to adjacent waters and wetlands, and berms will be placed far east and west of the projects to help direct water flow. Land clearing will be during the times of early winter and or early spring (breakup season) while the ground is still frozen to prevent the least amount disturbance to the soils located within the proposed project areas. All machinery will be stored up on the gravel driveway near the residence when not in use to help prevent contamination into the soils.
  2. Minimization: To help minimize the least amount of unavoidable impacts to the wetlands, the proposed plan has been developed for the least amount of time of heavy equipment/machinery to be on the land in order to complete the project. Land clearing will be during the times of winter while the ground is still frozen to prevent the least amount disturbance to the soils not located within the proposed project areas. All machinery/equipment will be stored up on the gravel driveway near the residence when not in use to help prevent contamination into the soils. If land need to be cleared during the months of summer either a hydroax or tractor with a brush hog attachment can be utilized to prevent the least amount of disturbance to the soil.
  3. Mitigation: Compensatory mitigation for unavoidable loss of wetland functions was not proposed by the applicant. Wetlands and relatively undisturbed waters are generally viewed as abundant and characterizes the larger Tanana River and Salcha River watershed and associated sloughs. The applicant has stated that all clearing will be conducted during either breakup season or late fall while the ground is still frozen to help prevent the least amount of disturbance to the soils. The project is up hill from the water way and has a natural drainage from North East to South West. The soil does drain very well in vast areas of the proposed project and with the growth of grass that is native to Alaska for livestock will help with the drainage and enrich the soils. There will be swells with a slight slope on either side of each pasture to help prevent standing water, prevent erosion and maintain natural drainage. All material/fill that is berm from the land clearing will be sorted and salvaged for mulching, livestock bedding, or landscaping purposes. Higher quality soils will be saved and reprocessed into gardening material. The goal is to remove the least amount of material to ensure the highest quality of soil will be salvaged to reuse.

After reviewing the application, the Department will evaluate whether the activity will comply with applicable water quality requirements (any limitation, standard, or other requirement under sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the CWA, any Federal and state laws or regulations implementing those sections, and any other water quality-related requirement of state law). The Department may certify (or certify with conditions) with reasonable assurance the activity and any discharge that might result will comply with water quality requirements. The Department also may deny or waive certification.

The permit application and associated documents are available for review. For inquires or to request copies of the documents, contact, or call 907-269-6285.

Disability Reasonable Accommodation Notice

The State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. If you are a person with a disability who may need special accommodation in order to participate in this public process, please contact ADA Coordinator Megan Kohler at 907-269-4198 or TDD Relay Service 1-800-770-8973/TTY or dial 711 prior to the expiration date of this public notice to ensure that any necessary accommodations can be provided.

[1] Reference submission number: HQ1-F0VF-VE422; Received: 2/16/2024 7:16:03 AM

Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 2/22/2024 4:02:23 PM by gamendivil


Department: Environmental Conservation
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #: POA-2017-00526 v1.0
Publish Date: 2/23/2024
Archive Date: 3/24/2024