The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has released the Public Review Draft (PRD) of the Susitna Basin Recreation Rivers Management Plan for public review and comment. Following the public review period, DNR intends to adopt the plan with any changes that may result from the input received. Once adopted, this plan will serve as the basis for the management of these recreation rivers for the next 20 years. This plan affects approximately 241,000 acres of state-owned land and waters designated in 1988 by the Alaska legislature as recreation rivers under the Recreation Rivers Act (AS 41.23.400-41.23.510). The primary purpose for the establishment of the six recreation rivers is their maintenance and enhancement for recreation. The six rivers are:
- Little Susitna River
- Deshka River (Kroto Creek / Moose Creek)
- Talkeetna River
- Lake Creek
- Talachulitna River
- Alexander Creek
The original Susitna Basin Recreation Rivers Management Plan was completed in August of 1991. Much has changed in the 30+ years since the original plan was adopted that needs to be recognized and addressed. In response, DNR initiated a plan revision process. Through this planning process, DNR is working to find alternatives with the greatest benefits for all Alaskans. Public involvement is essential to ensure that future actions are not only consistent with the agency mission and the enabling legislation, but also present a shared vision for the future of the Susitna Basin Recreation Rivers. Your written comments are encouraged during this public comment period. The PRD is available online; on USB flash drive by request; and reference copies will be available in print format at public libraries in Talkeetna and Wasilla. Comments on the PRD must be received by March 5, 2024 by mail, email or through the website provided below.
To review or download an electronic version of the PRD or to submit comments online, visit: Comments can also be emailed to or mailed to:
Recreation Rivers Management Planning
550 West 7th Ave, Suite 1050
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3579
To facilitate your review, public meetings have been scheduled in the communities indicated below and virtually during this comment period. Representatives from the Division of Mining, Land & Water will be present at these meetings to answer questions you may have about the plan. You are welcome to attend any of the scheduled meetings.

For additional information or to request a USB flash drive, see the contact information below.
Rob Earl, Land Use Planner
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Resource Assessment & Development Section
Phone: (907) 269-8533
The State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aides, services, or special modifications to submit a comment or participate in a meeting, should contact a person indicated above or contact the state TDD number (907)269-8411 seven days (7) in advance of meetings to arrange accommodations.