


Provider Surveys for Alaska Medicaid Community Behavioral Health and Mental Health Physician Clinic Rate Setting Methodology

Title: EXTENSION - Provider Surveys for Alaska Medicaid Community Behavioral Health and Mental Health Physician Clinic Rate Setting Methodology


Purpose:  Per provider requests, the Office of Rate Review (ORR) is granting an extension to the due date of the provider surveys previously publicly noticed on 11/8/22 at The original due date was November 21, 2022 and is being extended to December 2, 2022.


Below is updated information for the original public notice.


The Office of Rate Review (ORR) soliciting provider feedback by administering two provider surveys to gather information to aide in rate setting the Medicaid Community Behavioral Health and Mental Health Physician Clinic fee schedule. There will be two provider surveys:


  1. Administrative survey – This survey will have questions related to 1) wages and 2) fringe benefits.


  2. Clinical survey – This survey will have questions related to time spent on unbillable activities such as documentation, group sizes, staffing ratios, and time spent on assessments.


Please only submit one administrative survey and one clinical survey for each organization.


Date/Time: The surveys are open. Providers have until 5 PM AKSDT December 2, 2022, to complete each survey.


Link for administrative survey:


Link for clinical survey:



Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 11/8/2022 11:38:27 AM by jholmes
Modified 11/10/2022 8:43:37 AM by jholmes


Department: Health
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 11/8/2022
Archive Date: 12/2/2022