Contact: Jodi Gould, Planning Manager
Alaska International Airport System
WHAT Public Meeting – Prior Permission Required (PPR) Aircraft Parking Fees
WHERE Coast Inn at Lake Hood – Susitna Room
3450 Aviation Ave, Anchorage, AK 99502
WHEN Thursday, April 28, 2022
TIME 5-7pm
FORMAT Hybrid (Virtual and in-person)
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Meeting ID: 893 7523 4569
Passcode: BD3tdm
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DETAILS: The Public Meeting is in direct relation to the notice given that the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), under authority vested by AS 2.15.020 and Title 17 AAC 42.125, intends to implement an additional fee at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC) for aircraft that park at an airport administered parking position for four hours or longer without a prior permission required (PPR) number granted by the airport. A PPR number is not required when parking at an airport administered parking position for up to four hours. An aircraft with a PPR will pay the published Aircraft Parking Charge Rate with no additional fee for the period established on the PPR. At the expiration of the PPR period, the below fees will apply in addition to the published Aircraft Parking Charge Rate. The below time periods and rates will not be prorated. The proposed rates listed below will become effective May 12, 2022.
The proposed fees as follows are subject to change by further public notice at any time and are in addition to published aircraft parking charge rates:
| |
4hrs to 24hrs with no PPR | $4,000.00 plus published rate per use |
Each additional 12 hours over 24 hours with no PPR | $3,000.00 plus published rate per use |
Each additional 12 hours after expiration of PPR | $3,000.00 plus published rate per use |
Any person interested may present written statements or comments to Susan Ault, Controller, Alaska International Airports System, P.O. Box 196960, Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6960, or email at, or deliver to Room C-3588 at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, 5000 W. Int’l Airport Rd, Anchorage, AK 99502. All comments must be received no later than 4:30 p.m. May 11, 2022.
The DOT&PF operates Federal Programs without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Full Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy:
To file a complaint, go to:
The DOT&PF complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to participate in public meetings or who require special accommodations while gathering information on this file, should contact Megan Peters, at telephone number (907) 266-2694 or text telephone (TDD) (907) 269-0473 TTY: 1-800-770-8973 or Alaska Relay at phone number : 711 or 1-800-770-8255. Requests should be made at least 5 days before the accommodation is needed to make any necessary arrangements.
Upon his own motion, or based on written comments from any interested person, the Commissioner may adopt the proposed rates and charges within the scope of this notice without further notice or may decide to take no action on them. The Commissioner reserves the right to correct technical defects in the rates and charges descriptions.