Fort Knox Mine Plan of Operations Approval Amendment #1
(F20209852POOA) and Reclamation Plan Approval Amendment #1
(F20209852RPA) for the Victoria Creek Waste Rock Dump and Gil Satellite Pit
Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources has received requests to amend the Plan of Operations Approval (F20209852POO) and the Reclamation Plan Approval (F20209852RPA) for Fort Knox Mine subject to Alaska Statutes 38.05 and Alaska Statutes 27.19.
APPLICANT: Fairbanks Gold Mining, INC.
PROJECT NAME: Fort Knox Mine – Victoria Creek Waste Rock Dump and Gil Satellite Pit
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The Gil Satellite Pit is located in the Fairbanks North Star Borough, approximately 26-road miles northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska and approximately 10 miles east of the Fort Knox Mine. The Victoria Creek Waste Rock Dump is situated adjacent to the Fort Knox Mine Pit.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: This plan approval is for activities upon private and State managed lands as listed:
- FGMI Millsite Leases: ADL 414960, 414961 & 233700
- Trust Lands Office Ground Leases: MHT 970034 & 970035
- Trust Land Office Easement:MHT 970036
- State of Alaska Mining Claims: ADLs 352304, 352396 thru 352398, 352414 thru 352418, 352430, 518509, 518510, 556917 thru 556920, 556924, 556925, 556930, 556935, 556940 thru 556942, 556955, 557860, 557872, 557879, 570230, 570242, 616892, 616895
REQUESTED ACTIVITY: The amendments requested are an expansion of the Fort Knox mine operations. The Gil Project is a satellite pit located approximately 8 miles east, northeast of the Fort Knox Mine. The projects will be operated by Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. (FGMI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation. FGMI has defined a mineral deposit on the Gil property and plans to continue mining in this area to keep the Fort Knox mill operational during stripping of the Gilmore expansion project to the west of the existing Fort Knox open pit.
This is a courtesy notice provided to the public and you are invited to comment on this activity. The purpose of this notice is to gather input before a decision is made on this activity. Any person wishing to submit a request for additional information or provide comments regarding this application may do so electronically via our public comment site Comments here.
If you are unable to submit comments via this site, you may submit them in writing to ensure consideration. Written comments must be received by the Office of Project Management and Permitting, 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1430, Anchorage, AK 99501 on or before 5:00 PM on the date noted above directed to Ashlee Adoko, Telephone (907) 269-8732; Fax: (907) 269-5673 or e-mail:
After review and adjudication, we may issue an authorization with stipulations for the activity. The activity may be modified during the review and adjudication process.
DNR-DMLW complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services or special modifications to comment should contact Alaska Relay at 711 or 800-770-8973 for TTY services.
The DMLW reserves the right to waive technical defects in this notice.