ADL 109154
March 22nd, 2021
Subject to AS 38.05.850, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Mining, Land and Water (DMLW), Southeast Regional Land Office (SERO) has received an application for the following:
APPLICANT: Juneau Off-Road Association
GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Montana Creek Valley, Juneau, Alaska.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Township 40 South, Range 65 East, Section 2, Copper River Meridian, Alaska.
REQUESTED ACTIVITY: The Juneau Off-Road Association requests a public easement to construct a hardened gravel, multi-modal use trail (compatible with foot, ski, snowmachine, all-terrain vehicle “ATV” traffic) and campsite area in the Montana Creek Valley area in Juneau, Alaska. The requested trail is approximately 6,800 feet long and 25 feet wide, containing approximately 3.90 acres. The requested campsite area is approximately ¼ acre. The total area requested under this easement application is 4.15 acres.
The trail will be constructed off Montana Creek Road (beyond the Hank Harmon Rifle Range) and will climb up to the 1,200-foot level to the southwest, terminating at the end of DMLW-owned, state-managed land bordering United States Forest Service (USFS) land. Where the trail terminates, the applicant proposes to clear and level up to a ¼ acre aggregate area to establish a terraced series of hardened campsites (up to 6) each suitable for equipment parking, tents, and a firepit. The applicant proposes to clear trees and brush only as required in the immediate camp space.
To construct the trail, the applicant proposes to use a Bobcat A770 all-wheel steering loader, John Deere 50D excavator, dump trailers, and ATVs/side-by-side vehicles “SSVs” (Can-Am Defender 6x6). Labor will be performed by Juneau Off-Road Association members and volunteers. The trail will cross several drainages, and bridges and/or culverts would preferably be installed in lieu of stream or drainage crossings or hardenings. Multiple turn-around points will be located throughout the trail (see attached map diagram indicating location of turnarounds). The applicant estimates approximately 600 cubic yards of fill, and approximately 190 yards of geofabric for the trail.
Note on the Development Plan Diagram: the development requested under this easement application includes the red line trail “Existing ATV Trail” and blue trail “New Trail to Construct”, as well as the campground clearing area “Campsites Vicinity” as depicted on the attached Development Plan Diagram. The yellow line to the north is not part of this request, nor is the pink line to the south (located on USFS land). The lime green lines indicate DNR land borders and are not part of the easement request.
REQUESTED TERM: Indefinite easement term requested. The applicant proposes to begin construction in July 2021, continuing over the next two years and terminating construction in July 2023.
DEADLINE FOR COMMENTS: April 21st, 2021.
The public is invited to comment on this activity. The purpose of this notice is to gather input before a decision is made on this activity. To ensure consideration, written comments must be received by the Division of Mining, Land and Water at Southeast Regional Land Office, PO Box 111020, Juneau, Alaska 99811on or before 5:00 p.m. on the date noted above. Questions concerning this activity or requests to view the full application packet should be directed to Megan Hillgartner, Telephone: (907) 465-3937, or e-mail:
After review and adjudication, we may issue an authorization with stipulations for the activity. The activity may be modified during the review and adjudication process.
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services or special modifications to comment should contact Megan Hillgartner by phone at (907) 465-3937 or TDD (907) 465-3898
The DMLW, reserves the right to waive technical defects in this notice.