


Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board Meeting

Retiree Health Plan Advisory Board

Meeting Agenda


Meeting:                     Advisory Board

Date:                           February 6, 2019

Time:                           9:00am - 4:00pm

Location:                     Anchorage: Atwood Building, 550 W 7th, 19th Floor Conf. Room

                        Juneau: State Office Building, 10th Floor Conf. Room

Teleconference:         1-650-479-3207 / Access Code: 807 655 246

WebEx Link:


Committee Members:      Judy Salo (chair), Joelle Hall, Gayle Harbo, Dallas Hargrave, Mauri Long, Cammy Taylor, and G. Nanette Thompson



February 6, 2019


9:00 am           Call to Order – Judy Salo, Board Chair

  • Roll Call
  • Introductions
  • Approval of Agenda*
  • Ethics Disclosure
  • Approve Previous Meeting Minutes*
    • November 28, 2018


9:10 am           Public Comment


9:30 am           Department Update

  • Administration Updates
  • Third-Party Administrator Procurement Update
  • Review of Tele-Townhall

10:00 am         Break


10:15 am         OptumRx Transition Update

  • Implementation
  • EGWP

10:45 am         Modernization Process Outline

  • Timeline Options
  • Communications Plan


12:00 pm         Lunch on Your Own


1:15 pm           Review Modernization Topic Analyses

  • DRB Presentations

3:30 pm           Public Comment


3:50 pm           Final Thoughts  


4:00 pm           Adjourn

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 1/25/2019 12:26:36 PM by vrkitchen
Modified 2/1/2019 5:18:41 PM by vrkitchen
Modified 2/6/2019 10:29:00 AM by vrkitchen


Department: Administration
Category: Boards and Commissions
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 1/25/2019
Archive Date: 2/7/2019