Project No. SFHWY00102; SR Regionwide Traffic Signal System Upgrade
Sealed bids in single copy for furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and performing all work on Project No. SFHWY00102; SR Regionwide Traffic Signal System Upgrade, described herein, will be received until 2:00 p.m. prevailing time October 23, 2018, at the Construction Contracts Office, 1st Floor, 6860 Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska.
Upgrade worn and/or obsolete traffic signal/control/detection equipment as needed to achieve a consistent, uniform inventory of up-to-date infrastructure functionality across the region. This includes remote monitoring and restoration capability from the regional traffic command center in Juneau. Install louvered backplates with 3-inch reflectorized borders at 20 intersections regionwide. Replace traffic signal heads at 12 locations. Upgrade vehicle detection systems to radar-based at intersections still operating with in-pavement loop detectors. Upgrade obsolete traffic signal cabinets by replacing them with units running current technology and uninterruptible power supply capability. Upgrade remote communications capability at 11 intersections to enable transmission of operational traffic data to the traffic command center and effect restoration actions from the traffic command center. Install pan-tilt-zoom cameras to enable full-time monitoring of traffic activity at all intersections in the region.
The Engineer's Estimate is between $1,000,000 and $2,500,000. All work shall be completed by 03/31/2022. This project is a Race Neutral DBE Goal project. See Standard Specification G-120 for details.
The Invitation to Bid, plans, specifications, bidder’s packets and other bidding documents may now be obtained for bidding purposes at no charge by downloading from the following location: Southcoast Region Bid Calendar. If you download the document, even though there is no charge, you must register with the DOT&PF by sending an E-Mail to: or your bid may not be accepted. You must send your Company Name, contact name, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and whether you are registering as a General, Subcontractor, or Supplier. You may not change or alter the downloaded Bidding Forms in any way. You must still submit these Bidding Forms by the normal Sealed Bid Procedure using the issued DOT&PF forms given and by the deadline. Electronic bids will not be accepted.
Fax addenda and Bid Modification sheets will continue to be faxable to us as in the past. We will also continue our process to fax addenda to all those registered Planholders. Electronic copies of these documents are also available at the website listed above.
Bidders are highly encouraged to check the website below for information about Addenda prior to opening and Bid Results, Award Status, etc after opening.
Bids, Notices to Bidders, addenda and pertinent documents may also be downloaded at: Southcoast Region Bid Calendar.
Hard copies of these documents are still available in hard copy for a non-refundable fee of $100.00/set from the Southeast Regional Contracts, 6860 Glacier Highway, Juneau, Alaska, 99801-7999. E-Mail: Fax Number: (907) 465-4238, Text Phone Number (hearing impaired): (800) 770-8973. Please include your company name, mailing address, phone number and fax number, and whether you are a General, Subcontractor, or Supplier with your order. Companies owned by women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to bid. If you wish to receive expedited service, please provide your Fed-Ex account number. Please be advised that this company does not provide overnight service to or from Juneau. Allow at least 2 to 3 business days for receipt of expedited packages.
Bid results may not be available until after 4:00 PM on the bid opening day. The results can be obtained on the Internet at: under Construction Bidding.
Bidding Documents are available for inspection at the office of the Regional Department of Transportation and Public Facilities offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau.
All technical questions regarding design and construction of this project should be in writing and directed to the office of David Lowell, P.E., Construction Project Manager, telephone number (907) 465-4812, fax number (907) 465-2030. All technical questions regarding bidding and award procedures, or problems with downloading of the electronic documents should be in writing and directed to the Contracts office, telephone number (907) 465-4493, fax number (907) 465-4238.
Individuals with disabilities, including the hearing impaired, who may need auxiliary aids, services, and/or special modifications to submit a bid/proposal should contact the TTD number (800) 770-8973, no later than one week prior to the submittal date to make any necessary arrangements.