The Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) will meet for a three-day Work Session beginning at 8:30 a.m., October 17–19, 2017, at the Egan Civic and Convention Center, 555 W. 5th Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska.
No regulatory action will be taken at this meeting. Agenda topics for this meeting may include: election of officers, agenda change requests, petitions, meeting organization and establishment of committees for the 2017/2018 meeting cycle, location and date selection for the 2019/2020 meeting cycle, informational reports, creation of board generated proposals, approval of the 2018/2019 call for proposals, and/or administrative issues that may come before the board. The board may choose to go into executive session. The board will also take up items under a miscellaneous business agenda.
On Day 3 of the meeting, October 19, the board will also cover two additional subjects on Kodiak salmon genetics research and a process for delisting stocks of concern.
This three-day meeting is open to the public. Written comments, due by October 3, may be mailed to: Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, emailed to, entered on the Board’s main webpage at, or faxed to: (907) 465-6094. A live audio stream is intended to be available on the Board of Fisheries’ website at
The agenda and any other meeting documents, including agenda change requests, will be available prior to the meeting on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Board of Fisheries, meeting information webpage at:
If you are a person with a disability who needs a special accommodation in order to participate in any of these public meetings, please contact the Boards Support Section at (907) 465-4110 by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 11, 2017, to make any necessary arrangements.
For more information about the meeting, contact Glenn Haight at 465-6095.
/s/ September 7, 2017
Glenn Haight, Executive Director Date
ADF&G Boards Support Section