


Questions and Responses Re: Proposed Changes to Home and Community Based Waiver Services Regulations

Questions and Answers

Re: Proposed Changes to Home and Community Based Waiver Services Regulations

June 2, 2017


  1. Regarding proposed change to HCBWS Provider Conditions of Participation:
    I. Program operations
    A. Certification requirements
    3.b.viii. verification that agency staff have attended and completed SDS training on critical incident reporting and settings requirements;
    What SDS training on settings requirements is this COP referring to?


Response:   The requirement for settings training in the Provider Conditions of Participation refers to the training on settings that program administrators of agencies with settings-based services need to complete and then pass a quiz to gain access to the self-assessment tool, which serves as a provider’s self-reported review of compliance with the settings regulations.  The training is accessible via YouTube here:  .   Once the training is completed, the quiz can be requested from the SDS website here (scroll down to the bottom of the Training Schedule): .


  1. Will the new regulations be enforced? Are all affected disabled clients and families being granted access to this proposed information and given an opportunity to respond? Once the regulations are finalized, will affected families be able to access the final product?


Response: The regulations will be enforced.   Per the requirements on public noticing, the notice of proposed regulations changes was issued electronically via the Online Public Notice system ( and via the SDS E-Alert email messaging system, as well as non-electronically in Alaska’s largest daily newspaper.  Public comment must be submitted by 5:00 on Monday, June 5, to be considered.   The final version of the proposed regulations, effective 30 days after being signed by the Lt. Governor, will be available electronically here:

Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 6/2/2017 12:53:53 PM by jlwhittaker
Modified 6/2/2017 4:27:51 PM by jlwhittaker
Modified 6/2/2017 4:28:24 PM by jlwhittaker


Department: Health and Social Services
Category: Regulations
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 6/2/2017
Archive Date: 6/6/2017