



                                                               PUBLIC NOTICE


APRIL 26, 2016


Pursuant to Alaska Statutes, 04.06.050, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board is holding its regular meeting to consider its agenda covering liquor license applications, license suspensions, regulations, policy discussions and other matters that may come before it.  The board will take public comment on items of agenda business and other issues of public interest related to alcoholic beverages on April 26, 2016, including the conduct of business by licensees and the compliance by licensees and others with the statutes and regulations related to alcoholic beverages. It is expected at this meeting that the board will enter into executive session for various matters permissible under AS 44.62.310(c).


In addition, the board will conduct several hearings related to the renewal, transfer or issuance of licenses pursuant to AS 04.11.510(b)(2) in response to objections received under AS 04.11.470. The purpose of the hearing will be for the board to ascertain the reaction of the public or local governing body to the application for renewal, issuance, or transfer of a license. The board will hold hearings at this meeting related to the following license applications:


#622 KBI Spirits – Kodiak

#5007 Terry’s Fish & Chips – Seward

#5472 Morning Wood Hotel & Bar

#5464 The Pilotlight


Persons may appear at any time during the meeting. Comments may also be submitted to the board in writing by any person at any time or by contacting the board by telephone at 907-269-0350, electronically by email to , or in writing by mail to 550 W 7th Ave, Suite 1600, Anchorage, Alaska 99501.


The meeting will be held on April 26, 2016 in Anchorage with board members from outside of Anchorage attending telephonically.  The meeting will be held at 3601 C St (The Frontier Building), Rooms 880 & 890, Anchorage, Alaska, 99503. The public call in number for the meeting is 1-800-315-6338; code 69173#.  There will be a briefing by the director at 9:15 AM.; the meeting will begin at 9:25 AM. Public testimony will begin at 9:30 AM for items not on the agenda.


The State of Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development complies with Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids or services or special modifications to participate in this public meeting should contact John Calder at 754-3427 by February 5, 2016 to make any necessary arrangements.


                                          Cynthia A. Franklin, Director (907) 269-0350

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 4/6/2016 9:42:46 AM by ljmattson


Department: Commerce, Community, and Economic Development
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 4/6/2016
Archive Date: 4/27/2016