The Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Employment and Training Services is soliciting public comments on the draft Eligible Training Provider and Program List (ETPL) policy, procedural guide and applications.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) replaced the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) on July 1, 2015. WIOA requires States to establish eligibly criteria, policy and procedures for initial and continued eligibility for training providers and their programs to be included on the State’s ETPL.
WIOA emphasizes informed consumer choice, job-driven training, training provider performance and continuous improvement in performance achievement and accountability. A primary means WIOA employs to achieve these goals is through the ETPL. The ETPL is designed to gather and display useful information on training providers, their services, and the quality of their programs. It is a key piece of the State one-stop system and it must be made available to the public and specifically to individuals seeking information on training programs to be funded under WIOA title I-B programs.
Comments on the draft ETPL policy, procedures and applications are due to the Division by 5:00 pm, September 15th and should be emailed to Shawna Harper, Program Coordinator II at .