For Immediate Release: July 30, 2015
CONTACT: Glenn Haight, 907-465-609
Alaska Board of Fisheries 2015-2016 Pollock Proposals Due Date and Final Report of the Alaska Board of Fisheries Gulf of Alaska Pollock Workgroup
In March 2015, the Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) expanded and extended its call for 2015-2016 proposals to include pollock proposals for all state-waters. For individuals wishing to submit pollock proposals, the board extended its call to 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 4, 2015 as the deadline for state-waters pollock proposals only. Proposals may be submitted online, email, mail or fax at:
Email: (Adobe PDF documents only)
Mail: ADF&G, Boards Support Section
P.O. Box 115526
Juneau, AK 99811-5526
Fax: (907) 465-6094
Pollock related proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m. Friday, September 4, 2015 at the Boards Support Section office in Juneau. A postmark is NOT sufficient for timely receipt.
The boards proposal form, including the on-line proposal form, is available at the Boards Support website, All instructions related to the proposal form and submission may be found at the same online location or be calling 907-465-4110.
The pollock proposals will be included with the online proposal book and mailed to all advisory committees and the public for review and comment. Proposals will be online at Those submitting proposals are encouraged to review the proposal book at their earliest convenience to ensure proposals are included and accurate. Noted errors and omissions should be reported to Boards Support immediately. The public is encouraged to visit the Board of Fisheries website frequently for news and information regarding the upcoming cycle.
It is anticipated responsive state-waters pollock proposals will be considered at the Statewide Finfish General Provisions and Supplemental Issues, tentatively set for March 8-12, 2016, at the Hilton Hotel, 500 W 3rd Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska. For more information, please contact the Alaska Board of Fisheries Executive Director at (907) 465-4110.
The Board of Fisheries is also announcing the final report of the Gulf of Alaska State-waters Pollock Workgroup. The Board’s Pollock Workgroup is a multi-year effort to examine the pros and cons of establishing state-waters pollock fisheries. The Board would like to thank each individual who served on the Workgroup and presented their ideas and expertise in helping the Board better understand the intricacies of the Alaska pollock fishing industry. For more information on the Workgroup and to read the final report, please visit the Workgroup webpage at