Notice of Applications for Reservation of Water
Mulchatna River (Reach A -LAS 27309, Reach B - 27516, Reach A2 - 30075, Reach B2 - 30076, Reach C - 30077)& Stuyahok River (Reach A - LAS 27310, Reach A2 - 30073, Reach B - 30074)
Pursuant to 11 AAC 93.080(7), notice is hereby given that Alaska Mining Association requested anextension of the comment period beyond the original deadline of July 1st,2015. The Alaska Department of NaturalResources has granted this extension to allow additional time for persons tofile written objections/comments. Objections/comments must state the name and address of the objector/commenter,and any facts tending to show that rights of the objector/commenter or thepublic interest would be adversely affected by the requested reservationsoriginally published on June 16th, 2015. Objections/comments of any nature, includingthose that might assist the Division in its determination of the publicinterest pursuant to AS 46.15.080(b) or that may tend to show that the rightsof any person or the public interest would be positively affected, must besubmitted in writing by email (kimberly.sager@alaska.gov), fax (907-269-8904),or delivered to the Department of Natural Resources, 550 West 7th Avenue,Suite 1070, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3514 byJuly 31th, 2015, before 5:00 PM to be considered. Further information about these applicationsmay be obtained from the Division by contacting Kimberly Sager at (907)269-2033 or by email at kimberly.sager@alaska.gov.
The Alaska Department ofNatural Resources complies with Title II of the American with Disabilities Actof 1990. The State is prepared toaccommodate individuals with disabilities by providing aids when requested. Individuals with audio impairments who wishto respond to this notice by telephone may call the Departments PublicInformation Center in Anchorage between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, M-Fat TDD #269-8411.
The right is reserved towaive technical defects in this publication.
Kimberly Sager, NaturalResource Specialist