Notice of Applications for Reservation of Water
Mulchatna River; LAS 27309 (Reach A); LAS 30076 (ReachA2); LAS 27516 (Reach B); LAS 30076 (Reach B2); LAS 30077 (Reach C)
Pursuant to AS 46.15 andthe rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, notice is hereby given that fiveapplications, with priority dates of June15, 2009 (Reaches A & B) and January 27, 2015 (Reaches A2, B2, & C),were received from the Southwest Alaska Salmon Habitat Partnership incollaboration with Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), Anchorage,Alaska 99518, to reserve water within Mulchatna River, near Dillingham, Alaska,for the purpose of maintaining specified instream flow rates to protect fishand wildlife habitat, migration, and propagation. The Department of Natural Resources isadjudicating these applications for Mulchatna River from the Ordinary HighWater Mark (OHWM) of the outer bank (of the outside braid, where braided) ofthe left bank up to the OHWM (outer bank of the outside braid, where braided)of the right bank, including any sloughs, braids, or channels which carry waterand are an integral part of Mulchatna River beginning from: ReachA/A2 – beginning from the mouth at the confluence with Nushagak River,upstream approximately 27 river miles to the confluence with the StuyahokRiver; Reach B/B2 – beginningfrom the confluence of the Mulchatna River with Stuyahok River (at the end ofReach A/A2) upstream 3 river miles to approximate river mile 30.0; Reach C – beginning atapproximate river mile 30.0 (at the end of Reach B/B2) upstream approximately12 river miles upstream to the confluence with Koktuli River. These applications are for the followinglocation, time periods, and flow rates:
Said portions of MulchatnaRiver are located within:
Reach A/A2
Township Range Section
6South 46 West 1, 10-17, 21-22, 27
6South 45 West 6-7
5South 45 West 1, 11-16, 20-24, 28-32
5South 44 West 6-7
4South 44 West 13-14, 23-24, 26-28, 33-34
4South 43 West 7-8, 17-18
Reach B/B2
Township Range Section
4South 43 West 8-11, 16-17
Reach C
Township Range Section
4South 43 West 1-3, 11
3South 43 West 35-36
4South 42 West 5-6
3South 42 West 11-12, 14-15, 21-22,28-29, 31-33
All within the SewardMeridian, Bristol Bay/Iliamna Recording District, Third Judicial District,State of Alaska.
Requested Flow Rates (cfs = cubicfeet per second):
Time Period | Reach A Requested Flows (cfs) | Reach A2 Requested Flows (cfs) | Reach B Requested Flows (cfs) | Reach B2 Requested Flows (cfs) | Reach C Requested Flows (cfs) |
January | 1500 | 2670 | 1400 | 2400 | 2400 |
February | 1200 | 2330 | 1100 | 2180 | 2180 |
March | 1000 | 2100 | 900 | 1890 | 1890 |
April | 1500 | | 1350 | | |
April 1-15 | | 2100 | | 1860 | 1860 |
April 16-23 | | 2730 | | 3400 | 3400 |
April 24-30 | | 6420 | | 5850 | 5850 |
May | 9500 | | 8800 | | |
May 1-7 | | 9700 | | 8790 | 8790 |
May 8-15 | | 10350 | | 9320 | 9320 |
May 16-23 | | 9410 | | 8880 | 8880 |
May 24-31 | | 8360 | | 9780 | 9780 |
June | 6400 | | 6000 | | |
June 1-7 | | 10170 | | 9360 | 9360 |
June 8-15 | | 7590 | | 7030 | 7030 |
June 16-23 | | 7920 | | 7480 | 7480 |
June 24-30 | | 8160 | | 7670 | 7670 |
July | 3300 | | 3000 | | |
July 1-15 | | 7700 | | 7260 | 7260 |
July 16-30 | | 7390 | | 6940 | 6940 |
August | 4000 | | 3700 | | |
August 1-15 | | 9040 | | 8500 | 8500 |
August 16-31 | | 8860 | | 8310 | 8310 |
September | 5800 | | 5300 | | |
September 1-15 | | 10640 | | 10000 | 10000 |
September 16-23 | | 8920 | | 8300 | 8300 |
September 24-30 | | 7710 | | 7170 | 7170 |
October | 6800 | | 6300 | | |
October 1-15 | | 7610 | | 6950 | 6950 |
October 16-31 | | 6910 | | 6300 | 6300 |
November | 4000 | | 3700 | | |
November 1-15 | | 5150 | | 4700 | 4700 |
November 16-30 | | 4190 | | 3900 | 3900 |
December | 3000 | | 2700 | | |
December 1-15 | | 3570 | | 3240 | 3240 |
December 16-31 | | 3120 | | 2820 | 2820 |
A reservation of water isan appropriation of water that remains within the stream or lake for any one ora combination of four purposes authorized by statute; protection of fish andwildlife habitat, migration, and propagation; recreation and park purposes;navigation and transportation purposes; or sanitary and water qualitypurposes. Holders of water rights juniorto established senior water rights, including reservations of water, may beunable to divert or withdraw significant amounts of water for consumptive usewhen stream flows fall below granted flows or water levels. Further information about these applicationsmay be obtained from the Division by contacting Kimberly Sager at (907)269-2033 or by email at
Within 15 days ofpublication or service of notice, persons may file written objections, statingthe name and address of the objector, and any facts tending to show that rightsof the objector or the public interest would be adversely affected by the requestedreservations. Objections must besubmitted in writing by email (, fax (907-269-8904),or delivered to the Department of Natural Resources, 550 West 7th Avenue,Suite 1070, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3514 byJuly 1, 2015, before 5:00 PM to be considered. Similarly, comments that might otherwiseassist the Division in its determination of the public interest pursuant to AS46.15.080(b) are also requested and must be received by the above deadline. Any facts tending to show that the rights ofany person or the public interest would be positively affected must also besubmitted in writing as directed above.
Persons who have interestin tracking the status of these requested applications may request notificationof the Department’s final decision by writing to the Department at the aboveaddress.
The Alaska Department ofNatural Resources complies with Title II of the American with Disabilities Actof 1990. The State is prepared toaccommodate individuals with disabilities by providing aids whenrequested. Individuals with audioimpairments who wish to respond to this notice by telephone may call theDepartments Public Information Center in Anchorage between the hours of 10:00AM and 5:00 PM, M-F at TDD #269-8411.
The right is reserved towaive technical defects in this publication.
Kimberly Sager, NaturalResource Specialist