Comment Peridod Extended: Notice of Intent to Evaluate Oil and Gas Exploration LIcense Proposal, Request for Additional Proposals, and
Request for Comments on Exploration within Solicitation Area
Notice of Intent to Evaluate Exploration License Proposal
The Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil and Gas (DO&G) intends to evaluate the acceptability of an oil and gas exploration license proposal for the Gulf of Alaska area (AS 38.05.133, AS 38.05.945(b), 11 AAC 82.912, and 11 AAC 82.918). The proposal was received in accordance with AS 38.05.133(b) and 11 AAC 82.909(d). DO&G will hold the name of the applicant and the provisions of the proposal confidential (AS 38.05.035(a)(8) and AS 38.05.133(e)).
Request for Additional Proposals
DO&G requests additional proposals for oil and gas or gas only exploration within the Gulf of Alaska solicitation area. The solicitation area consists of state-owned, unencumbered land within T. 19 S., R. 4-7 and 13-18 E., T. 20 S., R. 4-8, 10-18, and 611 E., T. 21 S., R. 5-20 and 611 E., T. 22 S., R. 5-23 E., T. 23 S., R. 4-7 and 20-23 E., T. 24 S., R. 4-6 E., and T. 25 S., R. 4-5 Copper River Meridian. (refer to map).
A notice of intent to submit a proposal must be submitted within 30 days of the date of this notice (11 AAC 82.912(b)). To submit a proposal, complete the Exploration License Application form, available at, provide the required attachments, and send all documents to the address listed at the end of this announcement. Proposals must be received within 60 days from the date of this notice to be considered (11 AAC 82.912(c)). If proposals are received and the commissioner finds that an exploration license should be issued, the commissioner will request competitive sealed bids from each applicant who submitted a proposal.
Request for Comments on Exploration within the Solicitation Area
DO&G requests comments on exploration for oil and gas resources within the solicitation area (refer to map). A successful license holder will have the exclusive right to explore state land within the license area for deposits of oil and gas for up to 10 years, and may convert all or a portion of the license area to oil and gas leases after meeting the work commitment specified in the license. Before issuing an exploration license, DO&G must, in writing, find that an exploration license in this area is in the state’s best interest.
How to Submit Comments, Notices of Intent, and Proposals
Clearly mark submittal(s) as “Comment on Exploration in the Gulf of Alaska Solicitation Area”, “Notice of Intent to Submit Proposal for Exploration in the Gulf of Alaska Solicitation Area”, or “Gulf of Alaska Solicitation Exploration License Proposal” and send to:
Best Interest Findings
500 W. 7th Ave., Suite 1100, Anchorage, AK 99501
or email to:
Comments must be received by 5:00 p.m., August 3, 2015
Notices of Intent mut be received by 5:00 p.m., June 20, 2015
Proposals must be received by 5:00 p.m., July 20, 2015
The DO&G complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act 1990. On request, this announcement will be made available in alternative communication formats. A person is eligible to file a request for reconsideration of the commissioner’s decision and file a subsequent appeal to the Superior Court only if the person has meaningfully participated in the process by either submitting written comment during the period for receipt of public comment or has presented oral testimony at a public hearing, if a public hearing was held, and is affected by the final written finding (AS 38.05.035(i)).