Requestors – Southeast Alaska Conservation Council and Cook Inletkeeper
Contested Decision – ADEC Large Commercial Passenger Vessel Wastewater Discharge General Permit No.2013DB0004
Location – Operations in Alaska State waters
Background – The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC),
Water Division issued a General Permit for wastewater discharge from Large Commercial Passenger Vessels (Cruise Ships). The Southeast Alaska Conservation Council and Cook Inletkeeper requested an adjudicatory hearing on that decision.
Based on the written submittals relating to the request for adjudicatory hearing, the Commissioner issued an order dated May 15, 2015 in which he granted a hearing on the existing record and on written briefs. Copies of the Commissioner’s May 15, 2015 order may be obtained by writing to Gary Mendivil, Hearing Liaison, Office of the Commissioner, Department of Environmental Conservation, Post Office Box 111800, Juneau, AK 99811-1800; by phoning Mr. Mendivil at (907) 465-5061; by faxing a request to (907) 465-5070, or via e-mail to
As provided in 18 AAC 15.225,any person who wishes to intervene in proceedings granted by the Commissioner may serve upon the Commissioner a request to intervene that contains the information and meets the requirements specified in 18 AAC 15.200, within fifteen days after publication of notice or mailing of notice under 18 AAC15.220(c), whichever occurs last. A person requesting to intervene must serve a copy of the request to intervene on each party. An existing party may submit an objection to a request to intervene within fifteen days after service of the request.