


Corrected Notice of Utility Certificate Amendment Application


The REGULATORY COMMISSION OF ALASKA (Commission) gives notice that on March 27, 2015, ALASKA PIPELINE COMPANY (APLC) filed an application to amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 141. APLC proposes to construct a 4.16 mile long, 16-inch diameter pipeline to connect the Cook Inlet Natural Gas Storage Company Alaska facility to an existing APLC pipeline near Mile 18.2 of the Kalifornsky Beach Road. The proposed route of the new pipeline would follow Bridge Access Road and Kalifornsky Beach Road. APLC’s certificate amendment application seeks to extend its service area to include the route of the new pipeline. Docket No. U-15-034 was opened to address this matter.

In connection with the application, APLC has filed a motion to waive the application requirement of filing pro forma financial schedules. This notice does not address in detail all of the points contained in the filing. The Commission may approve or impose conditions that vary from those proposed.

The Commission has not assessed the completeness of the application. The Commission will determine whether the motions for waiver will be granted and the application is complete by  June 3, 2015.

Any individuals proposing to file an application to furnish the same, or substantially the same, service or facility within the proposed expansion service area must file a notice of intent to file a competing application by May 13, 2015.

You may obtain more information about this application by contacting Daniel Dieckgraeff, Director of Rates and Regulatory Affairs, APLC, P.O. Box 190288, Anchorage, AK 99519-0288; phone: (907) 334-7661. The complete filing is also available for inspection at the Commission’s office at 701 West 8th Avenue, Suite 300, Anchorage, AK 99501; phone:(907) 276-6222, or may be viewed at the Commission’s website at by typing Docket “U-15-034” in the Find a Matter search box.

To comment on this filing, please file your comments by 5:00 p.m. May 4, 2015, at the Commission’s address given above or via our website at:

Please reference U-15-034 and include a statement that you’ve filed a copy of the comments with APLC at its address given above.

Individuals or groups of people with disabilities, who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids or service, or alternative communication formats, please contact Joyce McGowan at (907) 276-6222, toll-free at 1-800-390-2782, or TTY (907) 276-4533, or send a request via electronic mail to by April 27, 2015.

DATED at Anchorage, Alaska, this 13th day of April, 2015.



Robert M. Pickett


Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 4/13/2015 3:09:37 PM by jmbays
Modified 4/13/2015 3:10:41 PM by jmbays
Modified 4/13/2015 3:43:51 PM by jmbays


Department: Commerce, Community and Economic Development
Category: Public Notices
Sub-Category: Pipeline/Utilities
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 4/13/2015
Archive Date: 5/13/2015
  • Public Comment Deadline
    4/13/2015 12:00am - 5/4/2015 5:00pm