Alaska’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Water received an application for a State of Alaska integrated Waste Management Permit under Alaska Statutes 46.03 and the Alaska Administrative Code (AAC), 18 AAC 15, 18 AAC 60, 18 AAC 70, and 18 AAC 72.
Kyle Moselle, Associate Director
DNR / Office of Project Management & Permitting
PO Box 111030
Juneau, AK 99811
Public Notice Start:
April 16, 2019
Public Notice End:
Revised to May 30, 2019
Permit No. Draft Waste Management Permit 2019DB0001
Constantine Mining LLC
800 West Pender Street, Suite 320
Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6
Proposed Project and Location
Activities: The Palmer Project is undertaking advanced exploration for copper, zinc, gold, and silver. The DEC Waste Management Permit regulates containment and land application of non-domestic wastewater from exploration activities and containment and disposal of potentially acid generating rock.
Location: The Palmer Project is located in the Porcupine Mining District, 35 miles northwest of Haines, Alaska on the eastern margin of the Saint Elias mountain range in the Glacier Creek drainage.
Tentative Determination
The DEC has tentatively determined to issue a permit to the above listed applicant.
Public Comments
On April 16, 2019 the State of Alaska released application documents for the Palmer Project’s exploration activities for a 30-day public review and comment period. The initial posting contained an inaccurate mailing address. This notice provides the correct address and lengthens the notice period an additional 15 days to allow for any returned mail to be resent to DEC for consideration. Written comments on the proposed permit must be submitted or postmarked no later than May 30, 2019. Please direct written comments to the attention of Kyle Moselle at the address or email identified above. All comments should include the name, address, and telephone number of the commenter and a concise statement of comment on the permit condition and the relevant facts upon which the comment is based. Comments of either support or concern which are directed at specific, cited permit requirements are appreciated. Comments must be postmarked on or before the expiration date of the public notice.
Any interested person may submit a written request for a public hearing. A request for a public hearing shall state the nature of the issues to be raised, as well as the requester's name, address and telephone number. DEC will hold a public hearing if it determines that good cause exists.
May 30, 2019 at 5:00 pm
Administrative Record
Copies of the proposed permit and application documents are available for public review at Juneau and Anchorage DEC offices. Please contact either office to review hard copies of available documents.
410 Willoughby Avenue, Suite 303 555 Cordova Street
Juneau, AK 99801 Anchorage, AK 99501
907-465-5180 907-269-6285
These documents are also accessible at the following State website.
The public notice bulletin may be viewed at the DEC Public Notices website,
For other inquiries, contact Kyle Moselle at the address listed above, email, or call 907-465-6849.
Disability Reasonable Accommodation Notice
The State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you are a person with a disability who may need a special accommodation in order to participate in this public process, please contact Theresa Zimmerman at 907-465-6171 or TDD Relay Service 1-800-770-8973/TTY or dial 711 within 30 days of publication of this notice to ensure that any necessary accommodations can be provided.