


Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve(Haines) - Advisory Council meeting - next scheduled for 11/10/2021

*****Due to COVID-19 precautions all public meetings will be held on MS TEAMs with an additional call-in number for those unable to attend via TEAMs - for more details to attend, call the Regional SE State Park office at 465-4563 or E-Mail:   ******** 

The Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve (CBEP) Advisory Council meeting is generally scheduled for the second Wednesday of every other month at 10AM in the Haines Assembly Chambers. 

The Alaska State Park CBEP Advisory Council is a legislatively designated 12 member panel delegated to  recommend and assist the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation for the planning, management, and resource and environmental protection of the Eagle Preserve with the goal to preserve eagle and salmon habitat and still maintain a balance of recreational opportunities, commercial operations and resolve user conflicts while fulfilling the Alaska State Park mission and Preserve management plan.  

The Advisory Council meetings are open to the public, to provide an opportunity to share your opinions about how best to manage and preserve the unique natural, cultural and historic features of the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve, while enhancing the enjoyment for all visitors and future generations.

Please join us as an interested community member or call the Regional SE State Park office at 465-4563 or E-Mail: for additional information.

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 10/5/2018 4:17:47 PM by pmkroes
Modified 11/1/2018 5:17:35 PM by pmkroes
Modified 11/1/2018 5:19:25 PM by pmkroes
Modified 11/1/2018 5:25:41 PM by pmkroes
Modified 11/29/2018 4:58:07 PM by pmkroes
Modified 12/12/2018 6:17:02 PM by pmkroes
Modified 12/12/2018 6:18:12 PM by pmkroes
Modified 2/28/2019 3:10:12 PM by pmkroes
Modified 4/3/2019 6:38:13 PM by pmkroes
Modified 5/6/2019 2:52:31 PM by pmkroes
Modified 9/9/2019 4:15:50 PM by pmkroes
Modified 9/10/2019 7:07:16 PM by pmkroes
Modified 11/1/2019 12:59:25 PM by pmkroes
Modified 1/7/2020 6:01:58 PM by pmkroes
Modified 2/14/2020 5:02:04 PM by pmkroes
Modified 1/16/2021 6:40:29 PM by pmkroes
Modified 3/4/2021 6:50:36 PM by pmkroes
Modified 3/4/2021 6:52:33 PM by pmkroes
Modified 4/12/2021 6:09:31 PM by pmkroes
Modified 10/8/2021 6:06:04 PM by pmkroes
Modified 10/8/2021 6:07:52 PM by pmkroes


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Boards and Commissions
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 10/8/2021
Archive Date: 11/19/2021