


Extension Preliminary Best Interest Finding and Decision For the Coffman Cove Timber Sale

The comment period for the Preliminary Best Interest Finding and Decision For Coffman Cove has been extended until February 20, 2015, 4:00 PM


State of Alaska

Department of Natural Resources

Division of Forestry

Southern Southeast Area Office


Preliminary Written Finding under AS 38.05.035(e) and AS 38.05.945

 The Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, gives formal notice under AS 38.05.945 that the Division has made a preliminary decision under AS 38.05.035(e) regarding the sale of the following commercial timber sale:  Coffman Cove Timber Sale (SSE-1336-K).

Before this sale may be held, the Director of the Division of Forestry will make a written final decision that the sale is in the best interest of the State.  This decision will set out the facts and applicable policies upon which the Director bases his determination that the proposed timber sale will or will not best serve the interest of the State.  The final decision is expected to be available to the public after February 23, 2015.   

This timber sale is located Prince of Wales Island, approximately 1 mile south of the city of Coffman Cove, Alaska.  The legal description of the sale area is Sections 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12 of Township 68 South, Range 81 East and Section 7 of Township 68 South, Range 82 East Copper River Meridian (CRM).  Access to the sale area is provided by Alaska Route 7 and adjoining USFS roads.  The units vary in size and encompass a total of 1,628 acres.  This volume will be negotiated and sold under provisions of AS 38.05.115, AS 38.05.118 and/or AS 38.05.123, in the form of one or multiple large sales.  The sale(s) will require in-state manufacture and will be a negotiated contract.   The State will utilize a request for proposal (RFP) process to determine the parties with whom to negotiate and sell the timber. 

The public is invited to comment on any aspect of the preliminary decision.  Comments should be mailed to the Alaska Division of Forestry, 2417 Tongass Avenue, Suite 213, Ketchikan, AK 99901.  Comments must be received at the Division of Forestry office no later than February 20, 2015, in order to be considered in the final best interest finding decision of whether or not this sale will be held in whole or in part.  To be eligible to appeal the final decision a person must have provided written comment by February 20, 2015.


Alaska Division of Forestry                                Contact:             Clarence Clark

2417 Tongass Avenue, Suite 213                        Phone:              225-6619

Ketchikan, AK  99901                                            Fax:               225-6617



Copies of the preliminary decision are available for review at the Division of Forestry at the above address and at the Ketchikan, Craig, Petersburg and Wrangell Public Libraries.

The State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aids, services, or special modifications to participate in this review may contact the number above.

Clarence Clark

Southeast Alaska Timber Sales Program Manager

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 12/23/2014 12:59:39 PM by cawyatt
Modified 1/6/2015 10:31:01 AM by cawyatt
Modified 1/20/2015 11:32:54 AM by cawyatt
Modified 1/20/2015 1:50:01 PM by cawyatt


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 12/23/2014
Archive Date: 2/21/2015