DEC has prepared two APDESpreliminary draft general permits; CleanWater Act Section 402 Modifications of Section 404 Permits for Log Transfer Facilitiesin Alaska Which Received a Section 404 Permit Prior to October 22, 1985,and Log Transfer Facilities in Alaska.Prior to the formal 30-day public notice period, DEC invites you to review thepreliminary draft general permit, fact sheet, and associated documents. You canaccess the documents from ADEC’s Wastewater Discharge Authorization Program webpage at:
Preliminary Draft GeneralPermit Review:
Start Date: October31, 2014
End Date: November 17, 2014
Permit No.: AKG700000 andAKG701000
Proposed PermitCoverage:
DEC proposes to reissue two APDES general permits to logtransfer facilities (LTFs) in Alaska. The general permits authorize and setconditions on the discharge of pollutants from LTFs to waters of the UnitedStates in the State of Alaska.
The general permits area of coverage includes marine watersof the U.S. within the State of Alaska extending west from the AlexanderArchipelago through the central Gulf of Alaska and Prince William Sound toKodiak Island.
The LTF general permits authorize the discharge of bark andwood debris to marine waters of the U.S. and the State of Alaska withinsite-specific project areas at each LTF. Project area means the entire marineoperating area of an LTF, either shore-based or off-shore, including thefollowing components: shore-based log transfer devices; shore-based logtransfer, rafting, and storage areas; helicopter drop areas; vessel and bargeloading and unloading areas; offshore log storage areas not adjacent to ashore-based LTF; bulkheads, ramps, floating walkways, docks, pilings, dolphins,anchors, buoys and other marine appurtenances; and the marine water and oceanbottom underlying and connecting these features. The LTF general permits propose to authorizedischarges for each LTF within the area described in a Department of NaturalResources (DNR) or other land management authority’s tidelands permit, lease oreasement.
The LTF general permits include a zone of deposit (ZOD) forunderwater accumulation of bark and woody debris within the project area atLTFs. The project area ZOD establishes a 1.0 acre remediation threshold (i.e.,not a fixed limit) for continuous cover bark greater than 10 cm deep at anypoint. If bark monitoring surveys submitted by the operator, and otheravailable evidence demonstrates continuous coverage by any existing bark andwood debris, whenever deposited, exceeds both 1.0 acre and a thickness of 10centimeters at any point, the operator shall submit a proposed Remediation Planto DEC within 120 days of discovery.
A proposed Remediation Plan must include a performanceschedule and performance measures for implementation of the plan. A proposed RemediationPlan may describe measures that will be implemented in phases, with continuedbark monitoring surveys, and with future modification of the Remediation Planbased on progress in reducing continuous coverage to below the 1.0 acrethreshold.
For inquiries or to request copies of documents, contact:
ADEC Contact: Chris Foley
555 Cordova Street
Anchorage, AK.
Administrative Record:
The APDES preliminary draft permits, fact sheet, andassociated documents are available for public review at the ADEC officeslocated in Anchorage and Juneau. Please contact the office of your choice toarrange for hard copies of the documents to be available for your review.
555 Cordova Street 410Willoughby Ave #303
Anchorage, AK99501 Juneau, AK 99811
907-269-6285 907-465-5300
If you would like to see any additional supporting technicaldocuments, contact Chris Foley.
The documents are also accessible from the ADEC website at:
Disability Reasonable Accommodation Notice
The State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation complies withTitle II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you are a personwith a disability who may need a special accommodation in order to participatein this review, please contact Eric Hotchkiss at (907) 465-6171 or TDD RelayService 1-800-770-8973/TTY or dial 711 within 10 days of publication of thisnotice to ensure that any necessary accommodations can be provided.