


Board of Forestry Meeting in Kodiak August 13-14, 2014

Board of Forestry Meeting, Wednesday, August 13, 2014 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Thursday, August 14 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.

The Board of Forestry will meet to discuss statewide forestry issues on Wednesday, August 13, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. and on Thursday, August 14, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. The meeting will be held in Kodiak and will be teleconferenced.  

The agenda will include reports on the following topics:

  • Proposed Fiscal Year 2015 forestry, forest practices, and monitoring budgets,
  • 2014 legislation and potential 2015 legislation related to forestry,
  • Reforestation standards review process for Interior and Southcentral Alaska,
  • State consideration of assumption of authority for Section 404 permitting in wetlands,
  • Forest practices effectiveness monitoring and road condition surveys,
  • Wood energy in Alaska and state timber sales for wood energy projects,
  • Federal forest management in Alaska including national forest planning, Roadless Rule implementation, Southeast land ownership initiatives, Alexander Archipelago wolf status, and old growth availability,
  • Revilla Island road system,
  • Alaska Timber Jobs Task Force recommendations and implementation,
  • Digital log scaling and 3D aerial photo projects,
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks forestry research program update,
  • Division of Forestry program updates and organization,
  • Southeast State Forest Management Plan, and
  • Forestry marketing and messaging.
Other forestry matters may be included on the agenda. The meeting is intended to comply with the requirements of AS 41.17.047(b) and (d).  

The meeting will be held both days in the Katurwik Room of the Kodiak Harbor Convention Center, 211 E. Rezanof Dr., Kodiak.  Public comment is scheduled for Thursday, August 14 at 1:15 p.m. 

Teleconference locations for the Board of Forestry meeting have been set up in: 
  • Anchorage:  Div. of Forestry conference room, Suite 1450 of the Atwood Building, located at 550 W. 7th Ave.,
  • Juneau, Conference Room A, 4th floor, Dept. of Natural Resources, 400 Willoughby Ave., and
  • Fairbanks, State Forester’s Office, Dept. Natural Resources, 3700 Airport Way.
If you are outside of Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau and would like to participate in the teleconference, please contact Marty Freeman at the Division of Forestry in Anchorage at or call her at 269-8467 prior to August 12. If no member of the public has contacted Marty or is present at a teleconference site by 9:30 a.m., the teleconference may be terminated at that site.  

For additional information about the meeting, or for special accommodations due to audio or visual impairment, contact Marty using the contact information above. Any individuals wishing to receive future announcements of Board of Forestry meetings by e-mail or in hard copy should contact Marty to be added to the mailing list.


Attachments, History, Details


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Boards and Commissions
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 7/18/2014
Archive Date: 8/15/2014