


ADL 108106; Seafood Processing Facility – Live Geoduck Clam Boxing Facility

PROJECT TITLE:   ADL 108106; Seafood Processing Facility – Live Geoduck Clam Boxing Facility

LOCATION:  Within the 4600 Block of the North Tongass Highway, also in the Copper River Meridian, Section 25, Township 75 South, Range 90 East (Ketchikan, Alaska)

The Department of Natural Resources, Division of Mining Land and Water (DMLW) has received a lease application and development plan from Lance Pihlman, doing business as Lance Pihlman Fisheries.  The proposed project to build a new Geoduck Clam Live Boxing facility includes tidelands and submerged lands for a 28-foot by 50-foot dock with a crane, a 5-foot by 70 –foot aluminum ramp down to a 14-foot by 150-foot wood and foam billet float.  Enclosed is a copy of the DNR Division of Mining Land and Water’s (DMLW) lease application and development plan for review.

DMLW invites the public and agencies to comment on this application and note initial concerns within a thirty day notice period. 

                                                                 30 DAY REVIEW

               DAY 1 ISSUANCE: …………………………………………………………March 17, 2014    

               DAY 30 COMMENT DEADLINE   ……….………………………………April 16, 2014

Comments must be in writing and received by fax at (907) 586-2954, by electronic mail at, or by postal mail to the Division of Mining, Land and Water, 400 Willoughby Ave., P.O. Box 111020, Juneau, AK 99811-1020 by the date indicated above.  Please include your mailing address and telephone number.

After the 30 day review period closes and DMLW has considered any comments, DMLW will issue a preliminary decision followed by another thirty day notice period and subsequently, a final decision. 

If you have any questions please contact Kelli Burkinshaw at 465-3524, or the above email address.   Accommodations for disability are provided on request.  Persons with audio impairment can call between 10am and 5pm, M-F at TDD 907-269-8411.

Email Distribution List:

                                                State Agencies
                                                Alaska Department Environmental Conservation, Juneau
                                                Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G), Habitat
                                                ADF&G, Sport Fish/Access Defense
                                                ADF&G, Commercial Fishing Licenses & Permits
                                                Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR), State Historic Preservation Office
                                                Alaska DNR, Division of Forestry
                                                Alaska Department of Revenue, Tax-Fisheries Group
                                                Alaska Department of Transportation and Public facilities (ADOT/PF) 

                                                Borough/ Municipality
                                                City of Ketchikan
                                                Ketchikan Gateway Borough

                                                Regional Native Corporation
                                                Sealaska Corporation

                                                Village Native Corporation
                                                Ketchikan Indian Community 

                                                Adjacent Land Owners
                                        Russel Cockrum
                                                Pioneers of Alaska
                                                Ketchikan Senior Citizens Services
                                                Katherine Anne Dunn
                                                Wayne Olsen
                                                Paul Beck

                                                Additional Interested Parties
                                                Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC)
                                                US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Linda Speerstra,
Nicole Hayes & Peter Olmstead
                                                Gary R. Zaugg, Managing Member Pac
                                                Fred D. Monrean P.E.
                                                Otto Roppel, D&R Construction

Other Distribution:               Ketchikan Post Office (for public posting)
                                                State of Alaska On-line Notice            

Attachments, History, Details

Revision History

Created 3/14/2014 5:11:20 PM by kkburkinshaw
Modified 3/17/2014 3:58:12 PM by kkburkinshaw


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Statewide
Project/Regulation #: AS 38.05.075(c)
Publish Date: 3/17/2014
Archive Date: 4/17/2014