Shared Campaign Activity Reports
Describe and summarize expenditures and/or contributions shared in a joint campaign event.
Exempt Fundraiser Reports
Report of income received during fundraiser where the names of those contributing were not recorded because the event met the criteria set out in administrative regulation 2 AAC 50.328.
Candidate Reimbursement Reports
Candidates that intend to reimburse themselves after the election for a personal contribution/loan to the campaign must notify the Commission within 5 days of the date of the Contribution/Loan.
POET Reports
When disbursing a campaign account under AS 15.13.116, a legislator or a municipal official may transfer leftover campaign funds to a public office expense term (“POET”) account.
All funds transferred to a POET account must be disposed of at the end of the term of office immediately following the campaign for which the contributions were received.
Paper Filed Candidate Forms
Filings by candidates prior to 2010 and municipalities that are not required to file electronically.
Paper Filed Group Forms
Filings by groups prior to 2010 and municipalities that are not required to file electronically.