Again, I would like to address some of the concerns brought up by the "No marijuana, No personal freedom" campaign. One of their biggest arguments is the advertising. Let me start off by saying that I personally believe that there could be zero advertising allowed for this product and it would still thrive. That being said, I have very little control of the advertisements that my children see. Opponents believe that marijuana is toxic enough that it shouldn't have children witnessing the advertisements. I feel the same way about McDonalds, and soda pop and every other chemically saturated product that are forced on my children while watching their educational programming. You don't see me throwing a fit that these products are legal. . Or writing to congress every time my kid sees an herbal essence "hairgasm" commercial. You aren't the only ones that don't want products marketed to children but to say that that is enough to remove someone else's freedom of choice, is just wrong. And please don't tell me that our state cannot regulate advertising when our state doesn't even legally allow billboards. You keep hearing about the children and the young people, I see people letting their children ingest, what i believe, are toxic products all the time. Keep in mind that what you think is toxic is not what someone else may consider toxic. You don't see me lecturing parents on letting their children drink energy drinks, or giving their babies formula or rice cereal that could affect their health WORSE than marijuana. Another concern are concentrates. Concentrates were not created to get as high as you could. Concentrates were created so that less plant matter could be consumed resulting in less tar and irritation to lungs. opposition likes to harp about butane, this butane that while ignoring that that are literally hundreds of ways to extract the THC with using butane AND that not every marijuana user is PRO-butane hash. As for the supposed cost to law enforcement. Its no secret that the law enforcement is stretched thin in Alaska and that a good portion of them feel that marijuana is petty in comparison to some of the horrors that they have witnessed in our state. How would you feel knowing that an officer could not make it to your aid because they were caught up harassing someone over a plant. I know you are afraid. Some people were afraid to give African Americans rights, some people were afraid when we let women work and vote, some people were afraid when the gay and lesbian rights movement started. But our world hasn't fallen apart. Alaska has decriminalized a small amount, we legalized medicinal use, and this is not the first time that we have pushed for legalization. Do you see where we is going with this? We aren't going to give up. Its time to grow up and let adults make adult decisions.