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PRO - Procurement
This page contains links to many of the published decisions that involve State of Alaska procurement hearings.
Additional or Different Information Provided after Bid or Proposal
Agency Compliance with Procedure and Timeline of RFP or ITB
Agency Record
Bias or Bad Faith in RFP or ITB Process
Bidder Preferences
Estimated Cost in RFP
Evaluation (Scoring) of Proposals
Evaluation Committee (Objections to Who Performs the Evaluation)
Inadvertent Errors and Minor Informalities
Late Proposal or Bid
Lowest Cost Proposal (How the Agency Determines Lowest Cost)
Materially Altered Terms of Pre-Existing Contract
Minimum Requirements (Experience) Stated in RFP or ITB
Misrepresentation in Connection With Procurement
Negotiations with Offerors
New Legal Theory in Support of Protest
Non-Responsive (Whether a Bid or Proposal is Responsive to the RFP or ITB)
Notice to Prospective Contractors
Prior Experience
Protest of Contents of Solicitation
Protest Rights Under Procurement Code
Required Documents or Information not Included with Bid or Proposal
Responsibility (Bidder or Proposer’s ability to perform the terms of the contract)
Small Procurements
Summary Adjudication
Unbalanced Bidding
Unduly Restrictive Requirements in RFP or ITB
Untimely Protest (Was the Protest Submit On Time)
Validity of Procurement
Veteran Preferance