Category List
The Office of Administrative Hearings is responsible for making "final agency decisions reached after administrative hearings available online through an electronic data base." Alaska Stat. § 44.64.090(a). That data base can be accessed through this web page. Past and new decisions will be posted to this page as time and resources permit.
- ABC - Alcoholic Beverage Control
- ACC - Alaska Corporations Code
- ACU - Acupuncture
- ADP - Adult Public Assistance/Interim Assistance (Formerly Known as APA)
- ADQ - Administrative Disqualification Hearing
- AEL - Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors
- AFC - Administrative Fine--Contractor
- ALH - Assisted Living Homes
- APO - Alaska Public Offices Commission
- APT - Airport Manager Protest Appeals (17 AAC 42.910)
- ATH - Athletic Commission
- ATP - Alaska Temporary Assistance Program
- AUD - Audiologist / Hearing Aid Dealers
- BAH - Barbers and Hairdressers
- BEN - Benefits under Alaska Health Care Plan in voluntary referral cases
- BFI - Banking and Financial Institutions
- BLA - Business License Act
- CAM - Chronic & Acute Medical Assistance
- CCA - Child Care Assistance
- CFE - Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission
- CHC - Child Care
- CHI - Chiropractor
- CMB - Combination of DPA programs
- CNA - Certified Nurse Aide
- COC - Construction Contractor
- COD - Code of Conduct
- COL - Collection Agency
- CON - Contract Claims Against the State
- COP - Concert Promoter
- COR - Corporations
- CPA - Public Accountancy
- CSS - Child Support Services
- CSW - Clinical Social Worker
- CTN - Certificate of Need
- DEC - Department of Environmental Conservation
- DEN - Dental
- DHS - Department of Health and Social Services (heard by OAH)
- DKC - Denali Kid Care
- DMV - Division of Motor Vehicles
- DNR - Department of Natural Resources
- DOP - Dispensing Optician
- DPE - Discrimination in Public Education
- DTN - Dietician
- EBE - Executive Branch Ethics Act
- EED - Education and Early Development
- EFG - Education Facility Grants
- ELE - Electrical Administrator
- EMP - Employment Security
- ETC - Electric and Telephone Cooperatives
- FDC - Food, Drugs and Cosmetics
- GAM - Charitable Gaming
- GEO - Geologist
- GRE - General Relief Assistance/General Relief Medical/Senior Benefits Program
- GUI - Big Game Guide
- HAP - Heating Assistance
- HNF - Hospital and Nursing Facilities
- HOS - Hospice
- HRC - Alaska State Commission for Human Rights
- HSA - Health and Social Services Appeals (Superior Court)
- HSS - Health and Social Services (former in-house hearing unit)
- INS - Insurance
- LBC - Local Boundary Commission
- LLC - Limited Liability Companies
- LND - Land Sale Contracts
- LON - Longevity Bonuses
- MAS - Massage Therapists
- MCB - Marijuana Control
- MDA - Medicaid Audit
- MDE - Medicaid Eligibility
- MDR - Medicaid Rate
- MDS - Medicaid Services
- MDX - Medicaid Coverage
- MEC - Mechanical Administrator
- MED - Medical
- MFT - Marital and Family Therapy
- MID - Midwives
- MOB - Mobile Homes
- MOR - Mortuary Science
- MPC - Medicaid Provider Certification
- MPT - Marine Pilot
- MRL - Mortgage Licensing
- MSF - Mortgage Surety Fund
- MUN - Municipal referral by contract
- NAT - Naturopaths
- NHA - Nursing Home Administrator
- NOT - Notaries Public
- NUR - Nursing
- NUT - Nutritionist
- OAH - Interlocutory, procedural, and sanctions orders of OAH
- OPT - Optometrist
- OSH - Occupational Safety and Health
- PER - Public Employees Retirement System
- PFC - Permanent Fund Charitable Contributions
- PFD - Permanent Fund Dividend Eligibility
- PFE - Permanent Fund Execution
- PHA - Pharmacy
- POC - Police/Peace Officer Certification
- POT - Physical / Occupational Therapy
- PRC - Professional Counselor
- PRO - Procurement
- PSE - Postsecondary Education Institutions
- PSM - Postsecondary Education Medical Waiver
- PSY - Psychologist/Psychological Associate
- PTD - Patient Transfer and Discharge
- PTP - Professional Teaching Practices
- PUA - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
- RCA - Regulatory Commission of Alaska (utilities)
- RCE - Residential Contractor Endorsement
- REA - Real Estate Appraiser
- REC - Real Estate Commission
- RED - Recreational Devices
- RES - Real Estate Surety
- SAN - Substantiation of Abuse or Neglect
- SBS - Supplemental Benefits System
- SEC - Securities
- SGL - Security Guard License
- SNA - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps)
- SRE - Special Racing Events
- STO - Storage Tank Worker
- TAX - State Tax
- TBD - Takeover Bid Disclosure Act
- TOB - Tobacco Enforcement
- TOU - Tourist Accommodations
- TRS - Teachers Retirement System
- UIA - Unemployment Insurance
- ULS - Uniform Land Sale Practices Act
- UNC - Unclaimed Property
- UPA - Uniform Partnership Act
- VCC - Violent Crimes Compensation claims
- VET - Veterinarian
- VOC - Vocational Rehabilitation
- WAT - Water Rights
- WCA - Worker’s Compensation Appeals Commission
- WCB - Worker’s Compensation Board
- WIC - Women, Infants, and Children Special Supplemental Nutrition Program