Share Your Viewpoint with the Governor / Lt. Governor
Every viewpoint and suggestion from an Alaskan is valuable, and we appreciate you taking the time to write. Though we are no longer able to respond to every message individually, please know that each and every message is read and considered by our office as the Dunleavy Administration charts the best path forward for Alaska. Messages are also shared with commissioners and agency personnel outside of our office when appropriate.
Alaskans’ messages are always given first priority and consideration, and contact information required on the form is intended to confirm that messages are from an Alaskan. Though full contact information is not required to submit feedback, we encourage you to provide it so that someone will be able to contact you in the event that further follow up is desired.
NOTICE: Though every attempt is made to appropriately protect the privacy of Alaskans who contact the Office of the Governor, the Governor’s office may be required to disclose all provided information – including name and contact information – in response to a public records request or other legal matter. If you believe that a legal authority would prohibit the State from disclosing some or all of the information you provide, we encourage you to identify that information and an explanation in your message. Examples might include a constitutional right to privacy or information that might reasonably jeopardize your safety if disclosed. If you do not want certain contact information disclosed, you are welcome to send your inquiry via postal service and exclude your contact information.