Independent Expenditures Form 15-6


Submission Date: 10/18/2020

Filer Information

Filer First Name: VERONICA
Filer Middle Name: L
Filer Last Name: WEDDLETON
Filer Full Address: PO Box 91053
Anchorage, Alaska 99509-1053
Filer Occupation: Development Director
Filer Employer: Nine Star Enterprises, Inc.
Filer's Title with Other Entity: TITLE WITH DEFEND ALASKA: FILER

Report Information

Report Year: 2020
Election Year: 2020
Report Type: Ten Day
Filer Type: Registered Group

Business/Other Entity Information

Business/Other Entity Name: Defend Alaska
Type of Business or Organization: Registered Group
Address: PO Box 91053
City: Anchorage
State: Alaska
Country: United States
Business/Other Entity Contact Person: Veronica Weddleton
Contact E-mail:
Contact Phone: 907-529-7364

Election Information

Election: State General Election


Name Full Address Title
Barbara Blake 2370 Ka See An Dr
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Veronica Weddleton 9836 Reliance Dr
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Aaron Welterlen 3750 Azurite Dr
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709
Joe Nelson POB 20123
Juneau, Alaska 99802
James O'Malley, MD 1200 Airport Hts Dr
Anchorage, Alaska 99501


Date Recipient Payment
Candidate /
10/13/2020 Facebook
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park, California 94025
Credit Card

SUPPORT: 2020 - Liz Snyder
Election: State General Election
Digital ads. Support Liz Snyder, support Calvin Schrage, support Suzanne LaFrance, support Kelly Cooper, support Stephen Trimble.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - Sarah L. Vance
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - Sarah L. Vance
Election: State General Election
Print ad.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

SUPPORT: 2020 - Adam Wool
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

SUPPORT: 2020 - Adam Wool
Election: State General Election
Print ad
10/13/2020 Anedot
1340 Poydras St Suite 1770
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
Bank Fee

SUPPORT: 2020 - Suzanne LaFrance
Election: State General Election
Contribution processing fee. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - James Kaufman
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - James Kaufman
Election: State General Election
Print ad.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

SUPPORT: 2020 - Daniel H Ortiz (Dan)
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/13/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

SUPPORT: 2020 - Daniel H Ortiz (Dan)
Election: State General Election
Print ad.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - Lance Pruitt
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Credit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - Lance Pruitt
Election: State General Election
Print ad.
10/14/2020 Party World
3810 Arctic Blvd
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Debit Card

OPPOSE: 2020 - Lance Pruitt
Election: State General Election
Video ad supplies/decorations. Oppose Pruitt, oppose Rasmussen, oppose Kaufman.
10/15/2020 The Prosper Group
PO Box 488
Greenwood, Indiana 46142
Electronic Funds Transfer

SUPPORT: 2020 - Liz Snyder
Election: State General Election
Advertising. Support Liz Snyder, Stephen Trimble, Calvin Schrage, Suzanne LaFrance, Dan Ortiz, and Kelly Cooper.
10/15/2020 Wells Fargo
301 W Northern Lights Blvd
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Bank Fee

SUPPORT: 2020 - Liz Snyder
Election: State General Election
Wire transfer fee. Support Liz Snyder, Stephen Trimble, Calvin Schrage, Suzanne LaFrance, Dan Ortiz, and Kelly Cooper.
10/15/2020 Facebook
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park, California 94025
Credit Card

SUPPORT: 2020 - Liz Snyder
Election: State General Election
Digital ad. Support Liz Snyder, Stephen Trimble, Calvin Schrage, Suzanne LaFrance, Dan Ortiz, and Kelly Cooper.
10/16/2020 The Prosper Group
PO Box 488
Greenwood, Indiana 46142
Electronic Funds Transfer

SUPPORT: 2020 - Liz Snyder
Election: State General Election
Advertising. Support Liz Snyder, Stephen Trimble, Calvin Schrage, Suzanne LaFrance, Dan Ortiz, and Kelly Cooper.
10/16/2020 Golzalez Marketing
2804 W Northern Lights Blvd
Anchorage, Alaska 99517
Electronic Funds Transfer

OPPOSE: 2020 - Sarah L. Vance
Election: State General Election
Radio placement. Oppose Vance, oppose Becker. Digital ad production: oppose Kaufman, oppose Rasmussen, support Snider, support Schrage.
10/16/2020 Wells Fargo
301 W Northern Lights Blvd
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Bank Fee

OPPOSE: 2020 - Sarah L. Vance
Election: State General Election
Bank wire fee. Oppose Vance, oppose Becker, oppose Kaufman, oppose Rasmussen, support Snider, support Schrage.
10/16/2020 Wells Fargo
301 W Northern Lights Blvd
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Bank Fee

SUPPORT: 2020 - Liz Snyder
Election: State General Election
Bank wire fee. Support Liz Snyder, support Stephen Trimble, support Calvin Schrage, support Suzanne LaFrance, support Dan Ortiz, and support Kelly Cooper.


Contributor Details Amount
10/12/2020 Type: Individual
Name: Bernie Smith
4604 E 9th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Occupation: Retired
Employer: Retired

, Alaska
10/13/2020 Type: Individual
Name: Jean M Lorentzen
9100 Arlon St
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Occupation: Retired
Employer: Retired

, Alaska
10/13/2020 Type: Registered Group
Name: Working Families of Alaska
2501 Commercial Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Officers / Directors
Name Full Address Title
Brandon Calcaterra 2501 Commercial Drive Chair
Augustine J. Merrick II 2501 Commerical Drive Treasurer
Khalial Withen 2501 Commerical Drive Deputy Treasurer
Kisha Guillen 2501 Commercial Drive Deputy Treasurer
Brandon Calcatera 2501 Commercial Drive Deputy Treasurer
Sergio Acuna 2501 Commercial Drive Co-Chair
10/16/2020 Type: Other
Name: Alaska Progressive Donor Table
1120 Huffman Road #502
Anchorage, Alaska 99515
Officers / Directors
Name Full Address Title
Kay Brown 1120 Huffman Road 502, Anchorage AK 99515 Director
Robert Waldrop 1120 Huffman Road 502, Anchorage AK 99515 Director
Eleanor Andrews 1120 Huffman Road 502, Anchorage AK 99515 Director


Date Recipient Candidate /
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
SUPPORT: 2020 - Kelly Cooper
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/14/2020 The Prosper Group
PO Box 488
Greenwood, Indiana 46142
SUPPORT: 2020 - Kelly Cooper
Election: State General Election
GOTV advertising. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense is not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
SUPPORT: 2020 - Kelly Cooper
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
OPPOSE: 2020 - Sara Rasmussen
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorag, Alaska 99501
OPPOSE: 2020 - Sara Rasmussen
Election: State General Election
Print ad.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
OPPOSE: 2020 - James Kaufman
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
OPPOSE: 2020 - James Kaufman
Election: State General Election
Print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
OPPOSE: 2020 - Lance Pruitt
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
OPPOSE: 2020 - Lance Pruitt
Election: State General Election
Print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
SUPPORT: 2020 - Calvin Schrage
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
SUPPORT: 2020 - Calvin Schrage
Election: State General Election
Print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
SUPPORT: 2020 - Kelly Cooper
Election: State General Election
Postage on print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.
10/14/2020 PIP Printing and Marketing Services
833 E 4th Ave
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
SUPPORT: 2020 - Kelly Cooper
Election: State General Election
Print ad. APOC's formatting requires that a candidate be listed in conjunction with every expense; this expense was not related to any candidate.

Report Summary

Number of Expenditures Reported with this Report: 20
Total of paid Expenditures: $92,442.87 

Previous Contributions: $227,506.00 
Number of Contributions Reported with this Report: 4
Total of Contributions Reported with this Report: $7,650.01 
Cumulative Contribution Amounts: $235,156.01 

Number of Officers: 5

Number of Debts Reported with this Report: 13
Total of Debts Incurred but not yet paid: $125,127.22