Campaign Disclosure Form


Submission Date: 09/03/2024
Filer First Name: KARLA
Filer Middle Name:
Filer Last Name: HART
Filer's Title: Lead Organizer
Report Type: Thirty Day Report

Group Information

Group Name: 2024 - Ship-Free Saturdays
Group Abbreviation: SFS
Group Address: c/o 4950 Wren Drive
City, State Zip: Juneau, Alaska 99801

Report Information

Election Year: 2024
Election: Juneau, City and Borough
Report Type: Thirty Day Report
Reporting Period: From 02/02/2024 Through 08/30/2024

Financial Summary

Beginning Cash On Hand: $0.00
[+] ⇓ Year To Date Income Total:
(From Box A of previous report)
Total Income To Date:
(Box A)
Total Income Reported: $380.00 [+] ⇒ $0.00 [=] ⇒ $380.00
[–] ⇓ Year to Date Expense Total:
(From Box B of previous report)
Total Expense To Date:
(Box B)
Total Expenditures Reported: $0.00 [+] ⇒ $0.00 [=] ⇒ $0.00
[=] ⇓
Closing Cash On Hand: $380.00
[–] ⇓
Total Debts: $100.00
[=] ⇓
Surplus/Deficit: $280.00


Date Received Payment Method Contributor Details Amount
08/25/2024 Check
Hart, Karla
4950 Wren Drive
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Occupation: Retired
Employer: None Description: 
08/25/2024 Cash
Schrader, Susan
PO Box 240325
Douglas, Alaska 998025
Occupation: Retired
Employer:  Description: 
Number of Contributions under $100: 0
Sum of Contributions under $100: $0.00
Income Total: $380.00


Date Payment Method Vendor Purpose Amount
No Expenditures / Nothing to Report
Expenditure Total: $0.00


Date Incurred Name Description or Purpose Original Amount Balance Remaining
08/28/2024 Gold Town Theater
171 Shattuck Way, Suite 109
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Venue rental for forum on September 5, 2024 $100.00 $100.00
Remaining Debt Total: $100.00