Campaign Disclosure Form



Amendment Description: Recent activity


Submission Date: 02/16/2022
Filer First Name: Mark
Filer Middle Name: Anthony
Filer Last Name: Cox
Filer's Title: Self
Report Type: Year Start Report

Candidate Information

Candidate Name: Mark Anthony Cox
Candidate Address: PO Box 110406
City, State Zip: Anchorage, Alaska 99511

Report Information

Election Year: 2022
Election: Anchorage Municipal Election
Report Type: Year Start Report
Reporting Period: From 07/14/2021 Through 02/01/2022

Financial Summary

Beginning Cash On Hand: $0.00
[+] ⇓ Previous Campaign Income:
(From Box A of previous report)
Campaign Income Total:
(Box A)
Total Income Reported: $1,650.00 [+] ⇒ $0.00 [=] ⇒ $1,650.00
[–] ⇓ Previous Campaign Expenses:
(From Box B of previous report)
Campaign Expense Total:
(Box B)
Total Expenditures Reported: $5,919.48 [+] ⇒ $0.00 [=] ⇒ $5,919.48
[=] ⇓
Closing Cash On Hand: -$4,269.48
[–] ⇓
Total Debts: $0.00
[=] ⇓
Surplus/Deficit: -$4,269.48


Date Received Payment Method Contributor Details Amount
09/08/2021 Credit Card
Farnstrom, Beth
18751 Villages Scenic Parkway
Anchorage, Alaska 99516
Occupation: RN
Employer: Providence Alaska Medical Association
10/11/2021 Cash
Taylor, Stephanie
1001 Bentree Circle
Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Occupation: n/a
Employer: n/a
10/13/2021 Credit Card
Young, Corey
5949 Kody Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99504
Occupation: Special Assistant
Employer: Municipality of Anchorage
11/20/2021 Credit Card
Williams, Cheryl
9595 Canton Loop
Anchorage, Alaska 99515
Occupation: Leadership Programs Coordinator
Employer: Alaska Humanities Forum
01/26/2022 Credit Card
Friendly, Kenneth
7871 Highlander Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99518
Occupation: Minister
Employer: LCF
01/31/2022 Credit Card
Bronson, Dave
2721 Crystal Bay Cir
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Occupation: Mayor
Employer: Municipality of Anchorage
Income Total: $1,650.00


Date Payment Method Vendor Purpose Amount
07/14/2021 Debit Card
Imperial Independent Media
815 1st Ave., Suite 188
Seattle, Washington 98104
Campaign Consultation $30.00
08/10/2021 Debit Card
Imperial Independent Media
815 1st Ave., Suite 188
Seattle, Washington 98104
Campaign Consultation $981.75
08/25/2021 Debit Card
Imperial Independent Media
815 1st Ave., Suite 188
Seattle, Washington 98104
Campaign Consultation and Material $2,645.25
09/02/2021 Debit Card
Imperial Independent Media
815 1st Ave., Suite 188
Seattle, Washington 98104
Campaign Consulation $385.98
09/28/2021 Debit Card
Imperial Independent Media
815 1st Ave., Suite 188
Seattle, Washington 98104
Campaign Consultation $1,876.50
Expenditure Total: $5,919.48


Date Incurred Name Description or Purpose Original Amount Balance Remaining
No Debts / Nothing to Report
Remaining Debt Total: $0.00